
Valery Kourinsky

Theme 17   :   Personality as extending universe

I. Concept of the personality-universe.
    1. The personality as a system of optimum self-awareness.
    2. Parameters of a personality and spiritual acts as the unity of rational and irrational.
    3. Conquest of personally irrational, deepening of knowledge about oneself.
    4. Clusters of stars, nebulae in the personally irrational.
    5. The ideal and personally irrational as "densed" spiritual material.
    6. Extending move of the initial spiritual material ("Everything is recognizable, everything appears
            to have existed in ourselves being encoded" - self-decoding is a spiritual motion in culture).
    7. Ethics of a personality's extension: mutual penetration, merging (equation) of fragments, loss of
            name, dissolution of self-personal (conceit) in personally universal (collective eidos, God),
            euphoria of name losing, recognizing one's dear in the universe - inner in the outer, perfection
            of patterning inner life - revelation (as self-interpreting from aside).
    8. Dialectics of "extension": alienation of "separate" self and becoming related to the Self who is a
            part of the universal spirituality ("moving to the real Self").
II. Fantasy and creativity
    1. Dreaming as turning ideals into intentions ("By will of the pike, do as I like", i.e. as if by magic,               by itself) and modeling in the inner space-time of a personality (conquest of another life);
            parallel existence; bringing into existence of the potential life characteristic of everybody:
            gerontological enrichment of psycho-somatic of a human being (actors and priests live long
            as a rule).
    2. Dreaming as a breakthrough to the irrational.
    3. Common sense and fantasy.
    4. Mozartism as fantasy under control (essence of creative work technique in arts); thematical
           dreaming, invariableness; practically inexhaustible number of possible situational readings;
           seeing oneself as an extending personality while reading; encoding feeling and experiences
           with the help of sign systems of this civilization and changes in the contemporary art,
           internationalization of codes); hedonism of creative work - awareness of oneself (chemism of
           the spiritual!)
III. Invention technique.
    1. Personification of material (animation of the driving forces of the imagined, studying of the
                 forces' behavior).
    2. Research of paradoxical.
    3. Search for analogies in nature (in flora, fauna or phenomena).
    4. Search for analogies on non-related fields of human activity; "subconscious inventions"
               (sleeping, D. Mendeleev's system, Etruscan tomb by Z. Freud, etc.)
    5. Modeling (imagined) of a philosophic concept (using "total dialectics"); analysis of all
               contradictory as possible.
    6. Re-comprehension of metaphors (staging, reckoning, technical processing of the idea);
               adventure play.
    7. Heuristical tension and effect of unusual discovery (especially while working in unpredictable
               remote material).
    8. Scanning of the past.
    9.Proscopie as the result of full ethical involvement into creative work.
IV. Flashes of biochemical energy and extending of a personality.
    1. Parallel to ethnogenesis (differentiation: a personality may always remain a personality).
    2. Instincts and passionateness (performing a feat for the sake of science, art, etc.)
    3. Interpretation of eidoses as ataraxization (tranquilization) of a personality - delight, "body's
              health and soul's peace." (Epicure).
    4. The supreme usefulness of spiritual extension - correlation of the act of spiritual extending to the
              human nature.
    5. Work for the sake of mutual understanding.
    6. Feedback: the collective eidos - a personality; sense of belonging; fulcrum of spirit.
    7. "Joining the eidos from the past" (hypothesis - the eidos is eternal, proof - the thesaurus of
             feelings); parallel: eidos - feeling (feeling as the result of perceiving the eidos).
    8. Good and evil eidoses (parallel to the black and white magic); evolution proves continual
             prevailing of construction over destruction, good over evil (very often human).

* * *

Eternity has brown and gray eyes
and goes here on Ukrainian hills.
It knows all news of us and fairly deals
them between trees and dust and beast and tries

be simple as event. It at night cries
and cuddles my world and all our wills
and me as a man's body and what steals
from it a few crumbs for the acute tries

because a man is equal with an asker,
our thoughts are only vegetative cluster
of questions and an endless painful doubt.

But in the end it cruelly crushes us
and trifles our lives and cuts like grass
all that what seems to us so stout.

Valery Kourinsky 

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