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Subject: Lingu: re: parameters Date: 10/30/96
'Information - the dynamic components'
Yehouda Harpaz re-asked on 10/30/96:
>In case you forgot, here are the original questions:
>[1]What are the rules that all languages which are used for communication by systems
that are intelligent as humans has to obey?
>[2] What are the rules that all languages which are used for communication by systems
that are intelligent as humans, and have the known physiological and perceptual
characteristics as hymans, has to obey?
The term "rules" obviously implies the presence of some sort of organization and
consistent relational structure. And, since "language" is a mode of information
transfer, your question reduces to: "What are the processes available (and
pervasively present) whereby information generated by one system may be encountered and
used by another system in some utilitarian way?"
The first and most absolute foundational consideration rests in the invariable capacity of
the embracing environment *to* convey information intact. The first a priori is that the
universe is constructed in such a way that information is transmittable ... information
can be transduced, translated, altered, reformed and in any ways reconfigured, and yet
original emitted "information" can always be retrieved (to whatever degree that
the receiving system is capable).
are 6 primary parts for general recursive networks:
1. originating source system
2. path or channel to receiver
3. content (information/energy)
4. receiving system
5. path or channel to originating system (distinction may be spatial or temporal or both)
6. content ; feedback (not always present)
"Information" is definable as "data in context to the systems it exists in".
Some path must always be present (even in an "implicate order" scenario)
whereby energy/information gets from one spacetime locale to another. Otherwise there is
no Heisenberg Intersection of information conveyance (and you end up with all the
philosophies of Russell & Whitehead, and of Godel, and Chaitin). Plato described the 6
parts, but ignored the channels (#'s 2,5), and the result was his dualist universe of
Ideal and Real (source & result).
Human sentience transcribes and uses information concerning "spacetime" (the *p*
and *d* ...location,momentum of physics) and applies it to current events and to future
ones. Weighted evaluations are a constant and ongoing dynamic because the information
streams never end .. we are built to be sensitive to incoming information as long as the
channels for communication are open.
The only rules we "have to" obey are the ones that enable participating in
the emission, transmission, reception and processing of information. As long as we have
the reticulated neural rete by which the information is maintained and handled internally
recursive, we "experience" as we are in the process on "enacting" the
mechanics of structure. The flood of integrated data,
recursively processed *is* an event of (*are* events of) sentience. And, data alone is not
information. Comparative juxtaposition accomplishes that.
This may not be what you had in mind when posing the question Yehouda but you seemed to
want a general overview as much as human-specific considerations.
Formulations for a Unified Field Theory.
. (1992, 1995) Understanding
the Integral Universe.