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To:                 Subject:  p vs g The Light         Date: 12/30/96      

'Men, Women, Values ... and the Future'


Lesley <manitou@> wrote:    Subject: RE: POLITENESS VS. GOODNESS     Date: 12/30/96

>Maybe, finally, after all the male egos on this newsgroup have set aside their dramatic 'flares' which they have recently been >tossing at each other in abundance, we will have some practical answers to these important questions!
>Hopefully a good turn in the conversation is due about now!

Part of the drive-to-survive gets exhibited in everyday issues of defending the Lifespace (as Lewin defined it). For folks whose Life is synonimous with the Ideas they generate the competition can be as fierce as physical mortal combat ... because for them it *is*. And gender plays only a small role. Women are blessed by being able to have physical progeny as well as mental progeny. You bear children *and* ideas. (At least more *obviously*; men tend to be short-term memory focussed, I suppose; we may not be the incubators but children are our "creation" also). Anyway, men associate more with the creation-things they are left with ... ideas, tools, art. More often than not ... the "intangible" parts of existence, the evanescent parts, the aspects harder to "prove" and validate our lives with. A mother can always (typically) point to her child, "there is what I accomplished" ... immediate, obvious, validating.    Men don't have it so easy.

It's not our penises which are important ... it's the worth of our Being that is on the line. Children are part of a woman's Lifespace, your link with the future and immortality. Men have to struggle with what's left, carving our names into stone, steel ... other minds ... to make our mark so that posterity will know that we were here, meant something in the ongoingness of Creation.

Yet, the beauty of all this struggle is that no gender is privy to creative excellence. And every mind is open to learning and growing and expanding and sharing and providing additions to creation.

As for "physics", it's just one other interpretation of existential reality, not "the way it *is*". It uses the language called Mathematics, but mathematics isn't the only language we have. So, however articulate we humans become in the physics/mathemtics description of existence (noting that I value the worth of it to a strong degree), the "language" is not the *enactment*, it is only a mirror representation. Sheet music is not the orchestral presentation, nor sitting in the audience bathed in the spacetime of exquisite vibrations. And to afterwards call the experience "sweet" or "rousing" or "driving" or "melodious"
or "........" is just as *accurate*.

Now then, to appreciate *all*, all-at-once of all those aspects, languages, and experiences is the *real* goal of human existence. Not void them out, not evaporate our existence into the void called All. Not turn our backs on Creation. To appreciate Creation is to be aware of all that Creation is and can-be. Looking at a child today, yet "seeing" that child's
great-great-great-great grandchildren ... and all that each of them will contribute to existence ... for the pleasure of the Universe, as it experiences its own ongoing evolving creation.

So, indeed, let's get back to the Ideas ... the world at large will champion or squash the Personalities.
