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From: "Lawrence B. Crowell" Subject: maxwell question Date: 02/27/97
'debunking Maxwell's Demon'
> A brief inquiry:
> To date, which thinkers have given the best critical arguments debunking Maxwell's
This has been examined by Benioff and Bennet with respect to the Sziliard engine. In
effect the Maxwell demon must record a vast amount of information in order to perform the
task of separating molecules of high velocity from those of low velocity. In order to do
this there is a certain amount of free energy that is required to store each bit of
information. In the requisite balance of storing information the change in the Gibb's free
energy required to perform this task, &G = &E - T&S, is such that the entropy
produced is a measure of energy unavailable for work that is greater than the energy
provided by the increased temperature difference. In effect the Maxwell demon is reduced
to being a kind of computational refridgerator.
Lawrence B. Crowell