Narrative humor in the hands of Douglas Adams has wisdom that pleases sharpies and savants alike.

"Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul"
by Douglas Adams. Simon & Schuster, New York 1988.
read May 8-11, 1999 ()

"It seemed to have happened spontaneously and of its own free will.   Explanations were advanced, but most of these were simply phrases which restated the problem in different words, along the same principles which had given the world ‘metal fatigue’. In fact, a very similar phrase was invented to account for the sudden transition of wood, metal plastic, and concrete into an explosive condition, which was ‘non-linear, catastrophic structural exasperation’..."

"Insofar as she recognized at all that she was dreaming, she realized that she must be exploring her own subconscious mind."

"Silhouetted in the flare (of the explosion) was the fur-coated figure of a big man who must have caught the full force of it and been reduced instantly to a cloud of atoms that were free to go as they pleased."

"Slowly, a little woozily, she pushed herself up on to her elbows, and slid her legs out from under the sheets and onto the floor, which was cold to her feet, She could tell almost immediately that she shouldn’t be doing this because every part of her feet was sending back streams of messages telling her exactly what every tiniest bit of the floor they touched felt like, as if it was a strange and worrying thing the like of which they had never encountered before. Nevertheless, she sat on the edge of the bed and made her feet accept the floor as something they were just going to have to get used to."

"...said Dirk in exaspiration, ‘Anyway, I am not as other private detectives. My methods are holistic and, in a very proper sense of the word, chaotic. I operate by investigating the fundamental connectedness of all things.’" . . .

" ‘Every particle in the universe,’ continued Dirk, ... ‘affects every other particle, however faintly or obliquely. ... If I could interrogate ... in a way that made sense to me, or to the (interogee), then it could provide me with the answer to any question about the universe. I could ask anybody I liked, chosen entirely by chance, any random question I cared to think of, and their answer, or lack of it, would in some way bear upon the problem to which I am seeking a solution. It is only a question of knowing how to interpret it.’ "

" ‘Mrs. May is, or so she claims, taking dictation from some of the greatest physicists. From Einstein and from Heisenberg and Planck. And it is very hard to dispute her claims, because this information being produced here, by automatic writing, by this ... untutored lady, is in fact physics of a very profound order.’ "

"From the late Einstein we are getting more and more refinements to our picture of how time and space work at a macroscopic level, and from the late Heisenberg and Planck we are increasing our understanding of the fundamental structures of matter at a quantum level. And there is absolutely no doubt that this information is edging us closer and closer toward the elusive goal of a Grand Unified Field Theory of Everything."

"Now this produces a very interesting, not to say somewhat embarassing, situation for scientists because the means by which the informqtion is reaching us seems to be completely contrary to the meaning of information."

"..., said Dirk sharply, ‘The impossible often has the kind of integrity to it which the merely improbable lacks.’ "

"...Thor ... the god of flowing currents, the god of particles, the god of the shaping and binding forces ... the god of the hammer Mjollnir."


JNR ... all in all Dirk Gently / Douglas Adams makes a good showing of the importance of "mental option space". :-)

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