THE INTEGRITY PAPERS Genre Group AutoDidactics
Valery Kourinsky
Theme 9 : Plan-making and plan-fulfilling
I. General cultural background.
1. The autodidact's inner culture and the realm of concepts. Clarifying ethic concepts and
standards is primary for a young autodidact (correction and correlation for an elderly one).
2. General and detailed informativenes for goal setting goals when making plans. The rule of
compulsory general acquaintance with the histories of the civilizations, ethnic groups, nations
and cultures (J. Frazer, J. Propp, etc.)
3. History of religions.
4. Primary legenda libri as the basis for the culturological plan.
5. Acquaintance with music.
6. Acquaintance with painting. Periods and styles (in cultures) - general ideas.
7. The role of languages in making plans for general cultural development.
8. Pathos behavior. Assimilation of the past and drawing it closer together to the present, the
sense of a tradition as a conceived reality, etc.:
a) pathos behavior as the result of work with the actualized interest engaged; pathos as the
steadfast psychological and socially motivated interest;
b) the role of pathos behavior as the source of energy (interest provides nourishment);
c) when the people who died long ago start "growing cleverer" in the eyes of the autodidact, it
means that he/she is getting matured;
d) from "a clue" to the critical mass of knowledge about the past;
e) planned interest; the problem of the steadfast interest and a social group (active propaganda,
attempts to express view-points, opinions, visions, etc.);
f) planning as a concrete attempt to realize a dream;
g) the inner and outer carrier: priorities are given to the first one (anatomy "vanity -
ambitiousness"); plans for the future and their realization as dependent on the purity
of intention.
II. Perfection of instrumental knowledge and skills. The attitude to gaps in knowledge, the rule of
clearing up any unfamiliarity: "The gap appears to be filled."
1. The concept of "instrumental knowledge."
2. Knowledge may be regarded as instrumental only relatively (temporarily instrumental;
3. Prevailing significance of foreign languages as the instrumental knowledge.
4. Myth about polyglots. Acquaintance with related languages (French-Roman, Italian-Spanish)
5. Excessive hedonism and reglamentation, lack of discipline and sense of true necessity (priorities
are given to the fundamentals which make accessible the sufficient amount of knowledge, as
well as to the key languages).
III. Studies in philosophy.
1. I. Kant on philosophy and long living.
2. Philosophic systems and ages of human race.
3. Legenda libri in philosophy.
IV. General intentions of the autodidact. Moving into the past and acquaintance with the present.
"Burning a candle" from both ends. Concepts of a average level, an ordinary man, mass
culture, kitsch snobbism, etc.
V. Metascience. Motion from science to myth.
VI. Plan-making and the autodidact's character. Second mind, persistence, relations with one's own
self, etc.
* * *
I like the fever in affairs. I like
the thought-quake and the trembling of the feeling
born by the wild concussion of surprising,
burnt soul of a mental Clon - or how? - dike.
Blessed be the strange occasion that us strike,
all-seeing for a while and ever seeing
in blindness for the worse part of the dealing,
and by the heaven's good transparent pike.
O, not too big and somehow sunny troubles!
The world would be unbearable if rubless.
The dim supports existence of the bright
and vice versa, ever vice versa,
the Opposite is
everywhere's courser,
to be too left it means to face the right.Regards,
Valery Kourinsky
Theme 8 Theme 9 Theme 10
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