THE INTEGRITY PAPERS Genre Group AutoDidactics
Valery Kourinsky
Theme 14 : The "bifurcation" of Self
I. Objects of inner life observation in selfstudying.
1. Creative (heuristic) processes.
2. Reflexive activities.
3. Rational activities.
4. Correlation of rational and reflexive in full-fledged selfstudying.
5. The autodidact's personality as an object of introspection;
a) the technique of "catching sight of oneself", "a glimpse from aside";
b) the method of "correlation to the ideal";
c) the method of "mental fulfillment of a complicated task";
d) the method of "comparing the former and the actual";
e) the method of "reconnoitering the spiritual space - looking for heights and lowlands";
f) the method of "comparing feelings and experiences" (for identifying the advantages of this or
that techniques of selfstudying, etc.);
g) the method of "waiting for a fish to take the bait" like a fisherman does;
h) the method of "crying into the well" (the recall of concrete (controlled) events and the
identification according to the rule: "If it recalls then it is tuned.";
i) the technique of "observing oneself, walking at a distance";
j) the method of "a test experiment" (the identification of the true thought through spontaneous speaking);
k) the method of "oriental spices" (demarcating perception freshness, evoking good spirits and identifying sensory priorities);
l) the method of "jogging along a shady ally " (the sensation of being young and relaxed);
m) the method of "existence test" (the comparison with the autodidact from "La Nausee" by
J. P. Sartre);
n) the method of "listening to the inner tune" (identifying the actual - present - rhythm for those who compose verses);
o) the method of "personification of thoughts, feelings, states" (one "I" refers to the thought -
person, who is the friend of the other "I");
p) the method of "the devil's bar" (realization of dialectical approach).
6. Observing "I" and "I" observed:
a) specifics of observing "I":
- identification with Self;
- complete latency;
- resistance to compromises;
- sense of integrity or even identity with the world spirit, with God
- religiousness;
- omnipresence - superthinking;
- sense of being involved into eternity and depreciation of the body wearer (super-life);
b) specifics of the "I" observed:
- realization of the "I" observed in inner and outer motions;
- fleshliness of the "I" observed; his sensority and feeling-thinking;
- preparatory activities of the "I" observed - consultative channels with the observing "I";
- evasiveness and protheism of the "I" observed ("It is not me yet, just wait!");
- nonidentity of the "I" observed with the personality (for the individual);
- identity of the "I" observed with the personality (for the onlookers);
- the problem of mutual understanding and problems of the inner world;
- ability of the "I" observed to divide (dispersion of "I");
- multiplicity of the dispersed "I", thesaurus of feelings and experiences, equation with
transmitters of emotional states; instrumentality - for assimilating culture, etc.;
- the "I" observed as a dynamic process ("man flows" - L. Tolstoy) and eternity of the
intellectual and spiritual.
II. Duet of inner (solo) voices and dialectic unity of opposites.
1. Inner disaccord.
2. Inner harmony (euphony).
* * *
The poetry has no limits. But a poem
is constantly abridged by bounds of sheet,
it would go somewhere far beyond the sweet
white paper area. There it is pawing
with Pegasus' light hoofs, like Cupid bowing
for images that are the hearts of it,
and so the buds of love each other meet
for being soon a twigs, the future sowing
for a new truth to bear afterwards
and to express in music, or in words,
or in uneven lines and colored mud.
The human space is to be re-created,
for so Great Lord mysteriously made it
that we must always over the border putt.Regards,
Valery Kourinsky
Theme 13 Theme 14 Theme 15
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