
Valery Kourinsky

Theme 21   :   You + Me ... (Dialogue and selfstudying)

I. Dialogue as the form of living communication.
    1. Circumstances for a sign situation.
    2. Dialogue in every day conversation.
    3. Philosophical dialogue.
    4. Philosophic dialogue as a genre of philosophic p:
        a) Socrates;
        b) definitions, their role in the emergence of sign situation;
        c) dialectics and dialogue.
    5. Skill of argumentation and skill of discussing.
    6. Observation of generations, skill of formulating a question.Observation & systematic approach.
    7. Dialogue and monologue; genuine dialogue and inner dialogue.
    8. Thinking and dialogue; understanding as awareness of a sign situation within "self"; conviction
            and psychic demobilization; analitizm and self-comprehension; verification of interiorized
            prohibitions on expediency; reception of inner diaforcasting.
    9. Dialogue as a social event:
        a) horizontal dialogue within a social group of like-minded peoples; frequency of sign situation;
               dialogue - relaxation; dialogue - saturation;
        b) natural need for communication and dialogue;
        c) horizontal dialogue beyond a group of like-minded peoples; dialogue - clarification; age
               categories of the participants in a dialogue; form of address (linguistica and area studies) -
               examples; dialogue with a specialist(-s); terminology; preparing; special reference books;
               orientation of thought and organization of dialogue (choice of a role; putting on a role);
        d) pseudo-dialogue and conformity; actual interest as the criterion of a genuine dialogue;
               densation of communication; concept of an essential dialogue; evasion from or reduction of
                a non-essential dialogue;
        e) usage of a key word in a dialogue; relative understanding of a partner to full extent;
                psychological stability;
        f) optimum dialogue ("there are two things in the world: to write a poem and to speak about
                that" (A. Akhmatova);
        g) dialogue of social strata; enumeration of feelings and experiences practiced by various social
                strata; establishment of contacts on reflex level;
        h) adaptation to a partner; excessive understanding as a cause of the impossibility of a dialogue;
                development of personalities as a guarantee of refreshment of relations (A. Hertsen and
                A. Ogaryov);
        i) semi-expressiveness and underlying theme, dialogue of feelings;
        j) social being as summa summarum of oral dialogues and dialogues-feelings.
II. Vertical dialogue of generations.
    1. Transformation of concepts and possibilities for mutual understanding.
    2. Conventional throughtime or transtemporal dialogue (TD).
    3. Representation of cultures and patriotism of the present day.
    4. Development of a personality and affection for TD; development of analogization of periods
              (Kirkwood, the 17-th century in Europe and Japan).
    5. Extending potentialities of TD and selfstudying (languages learning in literal and figurative
    6. TD and cultivation of taste, development of assessments; selection of the eternal.
    7. Reception of an imaginary talk and formation of attitudes to a certain epoch.
    8. Rhetorical communication with the past.
    9. Verbal polyphony is the music of the collective eidos:
        a) verbal polyphony of a living human community (a family, a crowd, halls, shops, streets,
               squares, etc.);
        b) conventional verbal polyphony in transtemporal section (hearing of epochs) - examples;
              (technique of knowledge generalization - combination of images); hearing of history;
        c) complex of a chorister (supernumerary) when perceiving the eidos of culture; sensation of
              individual uniqueness alongside self-realization.
III. Perception and pluralism.
    1. Opinion and dialectical unity of opposites; correlation of opinion and context of events;
              imperfection of any opinion applied in general.
    2. Pluralism of tastes; non-dialectic perception as a consequence of a social mistake (I. Franko
             and A. Krimsky were friends despite they assessed the works by other authors differently).
    3. Culture of philosophic dialogue:
        a) clarification of definitions;
        b) definition formulating and questions formulating (as two aspects of one and the same);
        c) aspiration to replace one's own "mute" superiority with words, syllogisms, images including
             drawings, schemes, shows) - effect of genuine communication of people;
        d) parity of a dialogue and respect for the partner (non-deception as the supreme form of                pietism or wisdom, etc.); a story about A. Mesmere.

* * *

A cold grey day. And all my winters are
here at the window in the somber room,
in too long thought that's working like a broom,
in nety while that catched a fishy star,

in white dots on the pavement, in the car,
that lost an age ago a long line of a boom,
in this short age that is a minute doom
of rocky second born by the nightmare.

The time had failed to be itself this time,
and had produced a Black Hole of the crime
that is to be unable to be always

and steady to believe, to hope, to trust,
and bravely to distruct an absurd crust,
and not to take the bodies for the souls.

Valery Kourinsky 

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