THE INTEGRITY PAPERS Genre Group AutoDidactics
Valery Kourinsky
Theme 24 : To be continued...
I. Spiritual and harmonious development of a human being.
1. Harmony as an aesthetic term.
2. Harmony as an antinomy to one-sidedness.
3. Spiritual beauty and harmony.
4. Need for perfection as an aspiration for harmony.
5. Total development of a personality and accentuation on spiritual and intellectual studies ("there
is nothing useless for my occupation").
6. Harmony as a dynamic process; disharmony (anthropy), temporary one-sidedness as a source
of developing creativity, power.
7. Re-valuation of harmonization and level of understanding: correlation of concepts.
8. Spirituality as interrelation of individual and collective eidoses: "inner" and "exterior inner" (souls
9. Spirituality and development of thinking:
a) embroadening of outlook (concepts);
b) thinking with feeling and spiritual-intellectual layers;
c) growing up to high ideas;
d) effect of "losing one's name" and omnipresence of "ego" - a harmonious personality (in the
unity of opposites).
II. Creative experiment as an instrument of development.
1. Experiment is life (philosophers: F. Nietzshe, Socrates...)
2. Experiment as a fragment of life (attempt - failure - phobia of experiments - experiment -
3. Experiment-reception: connection between macro- and micro-experimentality; coefficient of
heuristic abilities and personal parameters (ability to make experiments on oneself) are in
proportion to the coefficient of experimentality.
4. "Ratio of activeness in making experiments to the material is equal to the ratio of felling of
comfort to the life of an individual."
5. Living out as a consequence of refusing experimentality.
6. Principal model of an experiment:
a) hypothesis as the starting point for thinking;
b) selection of material;
c) determination of the type of process movement or its supposed duration;
d) account for moral aspects;
e) choice of means;
f) production of results.
III. Thought direction and a personality.
1. Selection of thoughts (inner control); appliance of the "ethics" principle by B.Spinoza. It is
inherent to the nature of mind to comprehend things under the dome of eternity.
Sub specie aeternitalis, sub specie rei publicae.
2. Accommodation of thoughts (close and remote):
- B. Franklin - up and down - bifocal glasses:
- accommodation training;
- "bifocality of moral and intellectual vision";
- outlook - bifocal glasses.
3. Spiritual gravitation and orientation of thoughts.
4. "Prominence" of thoughts and their global equality under subjectively momentary importance.
5. "The focal thought is feeling." (F. Dostoevsky about the major thought of a writer) and life is a
work of literature:
a) uniqueness of the opus "My Life";
b) life composing (or partial composing), composing of fate;
c) theme and idea of life (occupation and moral aspect);
d) architectonics of life (introduction, main part, conclusion as conventional divisions);
e) creative work and hyperintimate states.
IV. Intention, richness of intentions, intentional excitement.
1. Intentions as samples of spiritual and intellectual acts, microintentions and macrointentions.
2. Intentions and their realization as the beginning and the end of the creative process.
3. Obligation to intention (intentional responsibility).
4. Canceling an intention under correction, decaying of unrealized intentions.
5. The law of fulfilling microintentions without any delays as the means for accelerating the
realization of macrointentions.
6. The law of continual intentional excitement (flexibility of intentions in inner development of a
7. Aggressiveness of spiritual intentions (as their only correct "psychic tembre.")
8. Terms of conformist play and its deliberate denial.
V. "Nell mezzo dell' camin."
1. Hardships of the second transition period: re-evaluation and disappointment, growing phobias,
detachment from habitual environment, fits of hypochondria and loneliness.
2. Sense of continuation - Nell mezzo...
3. "You are what you eat": spiritual nourishment and a human personality.
4. Brecht's dialogue of doubt. "Only once in lifetime one should be categorical - when denouncing
forever any categorization."***
And something follows, and the same is strange.
What does the nature hanker here to do
of mystic steps not making much ado
to irreversible and constant change,
to inner and untouchable my grange,
where thoughts instead of air, where coming true
your every wish and every dreaming too,
the only place where you the world arrange
and smiles of luck provided with the label
of sort that the returns does not enable -
repeating is prohibited forever
here among us, here amidst tiny lives,
and silly thought that the every evening dives
in night to make it different are clever.Regards,
Valery Kourinsky
Theme 23 Theme 24 Theme 25
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