Page mirrored at Ceptual Institute, December 1998

Robert Theobald Home Page

Robert Theobald (see books, biography) is a community futurist who is convinced that fundamental change is both required, and possible. He has been working to achieve it for over forty years.

For a summary of Robert's recent thinking, see How to Achieve the Inevitable/Impossible Transformation , The Healing Century and Personal Mission Statement

Visit Robert's latest initiative, the Quality of Life Network.

Last fall Robert developed esophageal cancer and the healing that he has undergone has included his emergence as an elder. His latest thoughts about his life and work are the basis for a Personal Mission Statement


Theobald has developed a brief statement which summarizes his message and invites you to add your own contribution or just to state your agreement by signing.

The text of the lectures is available under the title Reworking Success. If you prefer off-line media you can order the lecture in book or tape form. There is also a Study Guide for the material.



The Healing Century
How to Achieve the Inevitable/Impossible Transformation}
In Search of Something More Than Maximized Economic Growth (by William Raspberry)

The following articles are available relative to the cancelled Masseys Lectures:

The Massey Lectures You Won't Be Hearing By Michael Valpy
CBC Cancellation Memo and Response
The Cancellation of the Massey Lectures: What Does It Tell Us?

Other brief articles which can be published without permission:

The Diana Legend: Deeper Meanings
Statement by Robert Theobald
Defining the Critical Challenge
Goals for the Twenty-First Century
Living on Slippery Slopes
Beyond Jobs
The Information Superhighway: Opportunities and Problems
The Future of the Internet: What is the Key Question?
Towards Full Unemployment
We Have Choices
The Danger is Deflation
June 1998 Communique