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Lyrics that Teach
"Anywhere Is"
The Universe is bathed in Gravity. Everywhere. We live comfortably in balance with its strength from planet Earth and companion solar bodies. But out midst the cosmos its frailty is vaporous. We are on the threshhold of a metamorphasis, growing into time and space. A tenuous vaporous future where breathing in "possibilities" is really more secure than firm determinism. Where floating flying in confidence through cosmic reaches -- no gravitational masses to mark our choices or pathingways -- is where we must be comfortable and most assured. We are in transition now. Learning to trust and rely -- on each other's "future behavior", on the being-ness of existence. Enthusing that horizons never end. So in this moment, we
must learn to have no fear, while "letting go". . . . .
"Anywhere Is" - Enya : "The Memory of Trees" © Reprise 1995 Warner Records UK Ltd.
I walked the maze of moments but everywhere I turn to
Begins a new beginning but never finds a finish
I walk to the horizon and there I find another
It all seems so surprizing and then I find that I knowYou go there, you're gone forever
I go there, I'll lose my way
If we stay here, we're not together
Anywhere isThe moon upon the ocean is swept around in motion
But without ever knowing the reason for its flowing
In motion on the oceam the moon still keeps on moving
The waves still keep on waving and I still keep on goingYou go there, you're gone forever
I go there, I'll lose my way
If we stay here, we're not together
Anywhere isI wonder if the stars sign the life that is to be mine
And would they let their light shine enough for me to follow
I look up to the heavens but night has clouded over
No spark of constellation no Vela no OrionThe shells upon the warm sands have taken from their own lands
The echo of their story but all I hear are low sounds
As pillow words are weaving and willow waves are leaving
But should I be believing that I am only dreamingYou go there, you're gone forever
I go there, I'll lose my way
If we stay here, we're not together
Anywhere isTo leave the tread of all time and let it make a dark line
In hopes that I can still find the way back to the moment
I took the turn I turned to begin a new beginning
Still looking for the answer I cannot find the finish
It's either this or that way it's one way or the other
It should be one direction it could be on reflection
The turn I have just taken the turn that I was making
I might be just beginning I might be at the end.
"You Learn"
Fast forward in lives that move with the speed of light and confronting enduring more information more imagery than ever in human history. Streaming infinities that stretch our abilities and challenge our capacities, our energies to keep up. And in the middle, an exquisite cognition . . . that every instant is an opportunity . . . to expand . . . to learn . . .
" You Learn" - from "Jagged Little Pill", Alanis Morissette, ©1995 MCA Music Publishing/Vanhurst Place Music/BMI/Aerostation Corp. ASCAP
You live you learn
You love you learn
You cry you learn
You lose you learn
You bleed you learn
You scream you learnI recommend biting off more than you can chew, to anyone
I certainly do
I recommend sticking your foot in your mouth at any time
Feel free
Throw it down (the caution blocks you from the wind)
Hold it up (to the rays)
You wait and see when the smoke clearsYou live you learn
You love you learn
You cry you learn
You lose you learn
You bleed you learn
You scream you learnWear it out ( the way a three-year-old would do )
Melt it down ( you're gonna have to eventually anyway )
The fire trucks are coming round the bendYou live you learn
You love you learn
You cry you learn
You lose you learn
You bleed you learn
You scream you learnYou grieve you learn
You choke you learn
You laugh you learn
You choose you learn
You pray you learn
You ask you learn
You live you learn
Song of Joy , 1998
All past all present ... all to arise
earliest Being ... being ~ one ~ the same
temporal reborning ~ up-arised of quantum's whorl
slow-motion transits ~ as sense-bound soul ...
observing advances of the "viscous" world
to meld and meld ~ arise ~ arise again ...
Watch once more and guide the lives ~
your travelled companions found flesh again
accepting our canopies ~ the sinew the breath
and fill the null with Love and All
there is but one Immenseness
abundant and full
as stories infuse and Universe breathes.
"NON-FRACTAL COMPLEXITY" (Order the Videotape)
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