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towards a
New Cosmology
1.1. Treating Gravity as a viscous fluid with
significant surface tension characteristics. 1.2. Inflation caused by phase-transitioning of Quantum Gas 2.1. Putting time-lenses into our model of the Cosmos. |
June 2000
Ceptual Institute
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First: The resolution of a more accurate cosmology can probably be achieved by comparing the large-scale structures of galaxies to that of standard volcanic magma. Proposal: quantum 'gas' bubbles produced what only seem like pockets of 'negative gravity' and made the gigantic cosmic 'voids'. Bubbles .. plural.
As dimensions unfolded into existence several pockets of quantum gas increased and blew outwardly in an event similar to liquid-to-gas phase transition. Gravity then acted like a viscous fluidic medium where gravitic 'surface tension' bound the galaxies into clumps, streamers, and threads surounding huge trans-galactic 'voids'. Graphic images of both events will be shown comparing the phenomena.
Also: a casual challenge is made to the modern cosmic cartographers. If the images we make of the cosmos constructed of current patterns of light coming to planet earth truly represent a 'looking into the past', then in point of fact, the universe doesn't really look like the patterns we currently see. Every star, speck and galaxy image would have to be re-adjusted for speeds, directions and momen- tums ... forward in time and space (increasingly adjusted the further away they are determined to be) ... in order to re-construct a more accurate view of the universe as it would exist in an essential "now".
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1.1. Current Cosmology Gaps. A Solution by Scaling.
Let me get right to the point. All cosmologies as of this moment beg accuracy. Not on the small-scale end of things .. aspects having to do with the primal constructa of our material universe. Nor with important particulars .. including the massive scaled cosmological structures on the galactic sized scales of things.
The issue I take here is with the diagramatic representations of what our universe 'really' looks like based on all the information gathered about what's out there ... on the grandest scale of things.
It seems, some astronomers are informing us, that the universe is a collection of great galactic nodules, strung together with filamentous strands of galaxies in between and interrupted in the midst of all this vastness by absolutely huge bubbles where there is essentially little or nothing . . . the void-est of voids.
That image of the universe is very appealing to me. But I am as conservative in my paradigm of existence as I am an innovator in how to consider the organization and behaviors of the universe. Which means that the kinds of explanations which have been brought to bear by mainstream scientists .. including the very highly regarded possibility that an undetected force exists which is essentially 'repulsive' .. in comparison to Gravity's 'attraction' vectors... is viewed with a great bit of skepticism by me. It is conjectured by some that such a force may have existed only in the early universe and the cosmic bubbles are remnants pointing to the short but effective duration-life of this 'Anti-gravity' force.
I don't think that is the scenario. I suggest that the solution is more subtle, albeit simpler, and requires no 'new' force to exist than the ones currently known.
While watching several television programs this past year on Volcanos, some of the images jarred my recognition and I suddenly realized that I had seen them before in an astronomy context .. the large galactic structures discovered during the past 10-15 years in studies of galaxy distributions based on doppler red-shift patterns. And in fact, the similarity of contexts, considered in coordination with my model of Dimensional Architecture which treats Gravity as a product of interacting Temporal Dimensions--and therefore enabling it to be a fluidic medium--pointed to possible mechanisms that can account for the cosmic empty-spaces.
Beginning with studies reported in 1988 ["Extragalactic Distance Scale"], there are about a dozen or more projects and research programs worldwide involved with mapping the cosmos at that scale. Several Internet websites (extant Summer 2000) will be listed at the end of the paper. Many diagrams and graphics have been brought here from those sites, for comparison sake.
Several text descriptions go like these samples:
University of Arizona, Course description, December 1997
"(note that galaxies form a soap bubble-like or "foamy" distribution in space with galaxies lying along the surfaces of the bubbles and nothing in the centers of the bubbles; these nearly empty regions are observed and are called "voids")"
Professor Anthony Fairall June 1998
"..nebulae are distributed in a very non-uniform or non-random fashion. Lines and filaments of galaxies surround empty voids. This is now known to be the true texture of the cosmos.."
"Since the early 1980s, I have used my own redshifts, and those that became available from other sources, to map the distribution of galaxies, chiefly in the southern sky. As such I have been privileged to see the texture of the universe, the labyrinth of filaments, sheets and voids, emerge. Over the years, more and more data has been added - and as it has, so the large-scale structures have been revealed - see Figure 4. The experience has been like seeing a photograph develop in a tank. First crude concentrations of galaxies appeared, later to be refined into complex great walls and a labyrinth of interconnected structures.".
"The discovery of the cosmic texture is all the more remarkable because it was so unexpected. Like the early criticism of Einasto's work, it seemed to run contrary to common sense. The galaxies are, on a cosmic scale, effectively particles - and should no more form into foamlike formations than the molecules of air inside this room. The finding has brought about a revolution in cosmology. The understanding of how such large structures formed - and what they represented - has been an enormous challenge.
Conventional wisdom has it that, on the largest scale, the only significant physical force is gravity. Had the early universe been homogeneous, gravity could not have worked. But if there were places where the concentration of mass was just slightly higher than average, then they would have gained a gravitational advantage over their surroundings - and that advantage would have very gradually pulled in more and more material, so that the concentration grew stronger and stronger. Similarly, places where the concentration of mass was just slightly lower than average would have had a gravitational disadvantage - they would have lost out as material was further pulled out from them. This then is probably the manner in which large-scale structures grew from slight overdensities and voids grew from slight underdensities.
But if this is so, the pattern of the large-scale structures predated their formation, and the texture of the structures tells us something very fundamental about the universe. Where did the seeding pattern of slight over- and under-densities come from?
Currently, a theory known as inflation provides a possible answer. It holds that there was an incredibly brief era in the very early universe when enormous expansion took place - so much so that things on a microscopic quantum scale were blown up out of all proportion. In this way, the so called quantum fluctuations, that existed on an absolutely microscopic scale, could have been grossly enlarged to provide the seedings for the labyrinth of large-scale structures. This is one explanation, which may well be correct, but inflation which has been in vogue in cosmological research since 1980 has recently come in for some criticism." ...
... "The new supernova data now indicate that a positive (repulsive) cosmological constant may yet be real - and we may be forced to face its existence.
But what is the cosmological constant? It is a sort of anti-gravity. It repels rather than attracts. In fact its symmetry with gravity may be philosophically reassuring, as the electromagnetic force works with both attraction and repulsion. " ..
.. " We do not have as yet any understanding of what this cosmological force is. " ... "It would complement gravity in explaining how some of the finer details came about. It would explain the shortcomings of the computer simulations that work with gravity alone. It could too provide the driving mechanism for the expansion of the universe."
Steven Landy, Scientific American, June 1999
".. for cosmologists, those who study nature on its very largest scales, a galaxy is merely the basic unit of matter. Billions of them fill the observable universe. They congregate into clusters three million or more light-years across, which in turn constitute progressively larger assemblages. On all scales observed thus far by astronomers, galaxies appear to cluster and form intricate structures-- presumably through physical processes that were dominant during the early expansion of the universe and later through gravitational interactions.
Yet there is a paradox. The clumpiness of galaxies runs contrary to one of the essential tenets of modern cosmology: the cosmological principle, the concept that the universe overall is homogeneous and isotropic, that it has no preferred place or orientation.
"Cosmo-cartographers discovered that on scales of up to 100 million light-years, galaxies are distributed as a fractal with a dimension of between one and two. ... Subsequent surveys, however, indicated that on scales of hundreds of millions of light-years, the fractal nature broke down. " ...
... "Looking at the maps produced by the survey, the eye is struck by the sense that the galaxies are not randomly distributed but instead tend to bunch together [see illustration: White and Pink Noise]. Yet one must be careful of visual impressions. Our brains often seek patterns where none exist. In this case, however, statistical techniques bear out the existence of clustering." ...
... "A Great Number of Great Walls "...
... "sharp boundaries, filaments and voids in the galaxy maps. The largest are almost three billion light-years across, several times the size of the Great Wall". ...
..."Several hypotheses have emerged, although none can yet be reconciled with all the data. The first is a hot dark matter scenario wherein the universe is dominated by light, fast-moving particles such as neutrinos. The result would be a top-down progression in structure formation starting on large scales. Unfortunately, this theory has the side effect of washing out structure on small scales, so it fails to account for the small-scale galaxy clustering.
A second hypothesis posits that the universe is less dense than cosmologists suppose. Most of this decrease in density comes at the expense of exotic dark matter. Ordinary particles such as protons and electrons thus have a proportionately greater influence. They would have constituted a viscous fluid in the early universe. Before the universe was cool enough for the protons and electrons to combine and form atoms, sound waves reverberated through this fluid. When the protons and electrons recombined, the acoustic waves gave a boost to the gravitational collapse on certain scales. Intriguingly, an underdense universe would also resolve other cosmological conundrums [see "Inflation in a Low-Density Universe," by Martin A. Bucher and David N. Spergel; Scientific American, January].
A third hypothesis points out that 600 million light-years is roughly the horizon distance at the time when the average density of matter in the universe overtook that of radiation. Such a profound change would presumably have affected the power spectrum somehow. Whatever the final explanation, it may be that astronomers are detecting the largest unique length scale associated with any physical process in nature."
Now. Here are some of the composite images of the massive large scale forms, including
projections done using fractal methods, and non-fractal supercomputer algorithms.
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And for comparison. Photographs of magma bubbles during and just after bursting. To be accurate, remember that volcanic magma bubbles burst individually. For a birthing universe, many phase-transitioning 'quantum gas' bubbles occur adjacently, concurrently, or sequentially overlapped in the dimensional matrix. With no 'broadfield' force to smooth the material back down into some basic cauldron-pool of material (the way local gravity acts to bring remnants of bubbles back into the magma reservoir), all the material - galactic fieldmass - persists where they were thrown to, subsequently interacting with each other, impacting like bow-waves moving through neighboring regions of self-similar media. In an open-environment universe, many quantum-gas produced 'void-structures' overlap and intersect, creating more variations and cosmic formations .. including next-generation stellar objects. The bubble-voids are interlaced with other ejecta.
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Quantum Topological Vulcanism
Extreme phase-transition expansion .. dimensional unfolding .. symmetry breaking .. acted in counter point to the unfolded and cooled (gelled) form .. gravity. Then, Gravity between the galactic masses concurrently behaved with properties similar to 'surface tension' and 'cohesive viscosity', adhering energy and matter galaxies into forms directly comparable to the residual surfaces of burst magma bubbles. For the proposition events of this paper to be true, secondary and tertiary pockets of quantum gas had to emerge after some measure of materiality had congealed already. This would mean that existential creations happened plurally in close proximity, and, either sequentially or at least along a relative temporal stream. A soup or swarm of generative creations, rather than a strict sequence of 'first and only process A', 'next and only process B', 'then and only processes C', and so on... which is the current rendition of cosmological development.
Phasings or rapid pulsings of generative Shinn-yu creations would account for inflationary phase-transition events occuring in the midst of an 'already unfolded fluencial/dimensional space', and, an 'already slightly cooled and coagulated gravity volume of energymatter'. Plus, rips in local gravitational fabric would contribute to 2nd Law responses at times, and faster mass-accumulations at others...mitigated by Einstein's constant.
The power of inflation to move the materiality it had created can probably be back-calculated by examining the masses of galactic nodes and sheets and figuring out how much shearing force was required to overcome the tensile binding strengths of gravitational volumes. For quantifiable masses of Blackholes, any one of them could undergo massive reversal of process if internal dimensional compression reached a limit and a quantum trigger event caused the cascade of massive dimensional/fluencial decompression .. symmetry breaking.
As indicated in "Understanding the Integral Universe" ( 1992), there is a sequence of symmetry breakings which dimensions/fluences follow, "Developmental Sequence of Dimensional Topology". (For clarity, the diagram omits the continuum of fractal dimensions possible.) Spontaneously variable gradients can appear, regardless of the number of broken symmetries present to exist in. This means that even the first breaking of symmetry produces a variable landscape in which and on which subsequent breakings occur. Invariant proceedures occur in variable lanscape .. producing local differentials even though typically uniform everywhere.
2.1. Temporal Adjustive Remapping of Everything.
Using 'time-lens' considerations. [ TARE-ing the Cosmos. :-) ]This second topic/issue I'll present simply as a description and a conjecture.
If the light and wave information we receive from the cosmos represents events .. back in time .. as they were .. N lightyears in the past, and so on, then, quite accurately we are seeing where things were in the past. To determine what the universe 'looks like' right now would seem to require pushing those observations forward in time exactly the right amount to compensate for the intervening years.
It would not be currently feasible to account for or project all the variables such as spontaneous Novas, or the exact vector paths of obects which have yet to interact and re-direct their respective motions through space, but, we can guesstimate from current trajectories and speeds where the objects 20 light years out will be 20 light years in their future, and the ones 1000 light years out will be 1000 light years into their future, and from these projections, produce an alternative celestial cartography that might be more appropriate should 'non-locality' prove to be a significant - if not dominant - way of relocating information and energy and potential.
It would be a shame to eventually master intergalactic travel and then have to use improperly deduced maps for moving around the Cosmos with. There is a choreography that went on out there that we need to assume and anticipate.
References ~ Online Sites:
van den Bergh, Sidney and Pritchet, Christopher, eds. (1988). "The Extragalactic Distance Scale",
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Conference Series Volume 4, Proceedings of the ASP 100th Anniversary Symposium. ASP, San Francisco. ISBN 0-937707-21-X.Developmental Sequence of Dimensional Topology
Shinn-yu Event
Bell Labs: Bell Labs Astrophysicists Map Large Scale Distribution of Cosmic 'Dark Matter'
David N. Spergel
Possible Models of Structure Formation
Stephen A. Gregory
Astronomy Databases
NASA Skyview Virtual Observatory
The 2dF Galaxy Redshift survey
THE DEEP PROJECT - Large-Scale Structure
Sky survey yields map of galaxies in Earth's cosmological neighborhood.
Multifragmentation and the liquid-gas phase transition of nuclear matter
Paper I: Nucleation and Bubble Growth in a First-Order Cosmological Electroweak Phase Transition.
Paper III: Bubble Free Energy in Cosmological Phase Transitions.
Inaugural Lecture - Fairall
Volcano World -- The Premier Source of Volcano Info on the Web
Ceptual Institute's In-sites