List of Exhibits
"Hands-on" Displays Presented at Tucson II
April 1996
Two similar-pole magnets each with hand-holds.
The task is to bring them together - against their force of repulsion - but not allow them to touch. The point is to "experience" the shape of the force-field which each magnet bar is encountering, and to recognize that our experience is merely a complex transduction of what those magnetic bars are "experiencing". "Qualia" is integrated reactive behaviors responsive to gradient fields and gauges."Though science can describe the intensity and gradients of force fields at any location between two or more sources, there currently exists no theory or explanation for the way those forces are transmitted back to the emitting source. That is, if there is a pressure force present in mid-phasespace such as when two like-magnetic poles approach each other there is no clear explanation of how one magnetic source is forced to respond and move (away from an original omnidirectional balanced stasis) because of a change in its own environmental and self-inertial-frame components which have been altered by the encounter.
That is, a source not only creates its own external field, it is also inextricably responsive to what it generates and any changes which occur there. Ie, what is seemingly intangible and vectored "outward", feeds back inwardly forcing positional changes within the larger reference frame.
As you hold the offered like-pole magnets -- try to bring them together (without allowing them to touch), making an effort to move the magnets very carefully around the intervening force field -- and use the magnets as if they were independent probes attempting to divine the "shape" of an invisible gelatinous entity somewhere between the two probes.
You should be able to "experience" several things by this. The energy/information being translated through your muscles is the force felt by each individual magnet. Each magnet is environmentally encountering a deviance from a balanced inertial stasis. The qualitative effect is production of an inertial imbalance which, unless resisted by some additional inverse vector (your bones and muscles), will respond with an equal thermodynamic law response (Newtonian response).
The magnets may not have the additional information intricacy to "recognize and report" the event, but the energy/information is eminently transmitted to each constructively connected atom. And, your participation is a translated Virtual Reality experience of what each magnet/field is "experiencing". In the same vein, microtubule laticing and similar types of construction are involved with self-maintenance dynamics events as well as the processing of extraneous energy/information. Consciousness must necessarily be the coordination of several of these dynamics all together and not one or another. Consciousness is dependent on active on-going information transformations. It only exists to the extent that there is an on-going flow of energy and information. Consciousness must nessesarily be the presence of inertial variances.
If a break occurs in such a holistic information flow, it doesn't matter if it's because an electricity source is disconnected; or, because of a disruptive flaw in instructions; or, if there is a damping or negation of information transformation (such as where a signal path is not co-dependent on the presence of the energy flow ; the substrate being existentially distinct from carried information). The result is the same: some disruption in the ability to respond to the fullest extent possible. Any disruption or break in the fully nested schematics is a break in the potential/actual information flow and energy affect/effect. Such breaks are tantamount to "numbing", "coma", "incomplete consciousness", "artificial intelligence", etc. Consciousness is not "energy incorporeal or otherwise occupying a substrate". It is the full interaction of many physical organization levels - the substrates with the carried information. Consciousness exists as the total free and unrestricted flow of energy information between and among nested constructed organization levels of existence.
quark - particulate - atomic - molecular - chemical metabolic - organelle metabolic - cellular metabolic - organism - colonial - social.
Each level has its own constructive/functional Integrity. Each level has its own entropy gradient. Each level exists adjacent to several internal/{self}/external energy gradient environments. Each is interactively capable of transmitting and transforming energy/information to and through any adjacent and distanced levels of organization.
This openness of information-sharing potential displays itself as Consciousness. Human conscious personality is a matrix comprised of a sophisticatedly complex self reinforcing soliton type structure. Grounded first and foremost in the open interaction/iteration of the above alluded to levels of organization, yet expressed globally.
Microtubule structures, axionic matrices, et al , may very well be important constructive aspects of consciousness, but no one singular component is the seat of consciousness. All constructive entities have a reactive consciousness, but the extent to which it functions is dependant on how well integrated its construction is with its environment and how much comparative information it can process (not necessarily "store"). Most obviously, consciousness is not a factor of information-storage capacity, and trying to assess computer Artificial Intelligence by storage capacity no matter how complete is ludicrous. That would be like asking which library is more conscious, your local one with a few thousand books or the Library of Congress or even the Internet. The answer is: None of these facilities are conscious if a primary criteria is real-time dynamic interaction. And neither is an externally directed information storage/handling device called "computer". Consciousness is the enabled process, whether simple or complex.
The Universe is a panorama of diverse mechanisms all acting out the singular behavioral process of INTEGRITY: survival through a latitude of possible behaviors. In general, there is predominant behavior and extreme (available) behavior. But, all activity goes to accomplish "continuance".
The relationship identified as "entity-environment" is the crux of the notion of INTEGRITY. An entity survives poised between the extremes of existential energy/information: too little and too much.
Consciousness is the active presence of self-reinforcing wave functions. One of its simplest forms (also a prime example of Integrity, and what Complexity Theory labels "emergence") is Superconductivity. Another is the invisible gelatinous energy "entity" that you feel between the magnetic plates. Coherent fields inertially variant across their phasespace are entities of primal consciousness. All of existence is: transaction of information. And all transaction of information is Consciousness.
Complex sentience is a nested matrix of many levels of interaction where the information permutations are exponentially and factorially immense. Mathematically, there are multitudes of infinities involved. Our challenge is: how many infinities can we conceptually handle in order to appreciate Consciousness??! "
2) "Out from under Godel's long shadow"
An arrangement of 6 plastic circles,
arranged like a benzene ring of intersecting Olympic circles. Inside each is a little figurine. Where each ring overlaps another is an access to the adjacent domains across their mutually compatable areas. The rings represent people's personal "Gödel Limit" or Lewin "lifespace". The point being made is that the universe is functionally identical everywhere and is open to the transmittal and sharing of information. The crucial aspect of existence is not Gödel's Incompleteness, but that all information is "compatable" whether inside or outside any transient local gödel limits.We know something about the "unknown": interaction ability requires universally pervasive mutuality, which is supportive of interaction. That completely contradicts Gödel (and Heisenberg too, in one sense). We can have absolute knowledge about something - a unique characteristic about its being - even though we may never have actually experienced it!
" Out from Under Gödel's Long Shadow "
Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem has had a strangle hold on 20th century human intellect. Using variations of traditional Set Theory and Logic he has basically sold us on the inferred implication that we are significantly "insignificant" in the Universe and that we have limitations that are insurmountable. That is a gross misinterpretation of the "facts".
The important quality of existence and consciousness is not any momentary or conditional restrictions, but the absolutely open potential for interaction which all extants have in common.
The display in front of you shows this quite clearly. What you see are interlinked sets each containing a "sentient observer". The internal visual boundaries are Russell-Whitehead Walls, also known as, Gödel Limits. Each sentient can only perceive its own time-space plus the available information of an immediate and adjacently connected sentient. Beyond that: nothing, no information. Except, it is not true that there is no information beyond the conditional limits. Not only is there potential information to encounter, but the information is, and must necessarily be compatible.
We are thus required to formulate a post-Gödel perspective which clearly recognizes that interaction potential is the superior quality of existence rather than information acquired from past interactions (which is the premiere criteria of Heisenberg interaction events).
Clearly, counter to Gödel's conclusion:
We absolutely know something about the unknown: that anything on the far side of a Gödel Limit is compatible with and interactable with anything on the interior of any defined Gödel-space. We indeed have specific knowledge of a fundamental characteristic of things even though they have never been experienced.
In a sense, we already have knowledge-of-the-infinite, the principle characteristic of extancy : co-extancy requires that all existence is informationally open to any of its parts. With the lemma that information must have the pre-quality capacity to be stored before it can be stored. This is also the foundation of induction.
3) "Objectivity is not an 'object' "
Concept statement.
Nothing in the universe can be identically reproduced down to the last detail - because total information openness includes everything else in the universe at any paricular "moment". The only thing reproducible is not a "thing" per se, but intangible dynamics. "Objectivity" is relationships and dynamics, not differential inside/outside frame-of-references, or individual-experience versus communal-experiences. Extants may be similar but are never identical. Energy forms and structures can only be homeomorphic. They are sample configurations of quantum and field relationships. It is those relationships and dynamics which are the isomorphic aspects of the universe.
"Objectivity is not an "object".
Subjectivity must be.
Objectivity is a dynamic and is the only aspect of existence that
is repeatable.
4) "Getting Rid of False Paradoxes"
Objectivity/Subjectivity is dealt with as a fundamental change in set theory perceptions and the recognition of a category of existence called "heterotelic".
"The relationship called "set" has a "real existence" ONLY when there is a "presence" or "presences" that coincidentally establish "relationships" of those "r"s incidentally being the aspect that we identify and label "set/s". Such an "existence" is is exampled by: "between". A heterotelic existence cannot "be" without the presence of prior or simultaneous extances. With that "information" observation (because we can perceive this "relationship" as a distinguishable characteristic of general existence, and, we note that we can ascribe the relationship of "set/s" to many things or situations) "set/s" takes on an existential and independent "presence" of its own. That is the process of inductive generalization. But, "set/s" is a "corollary characteristic" only, even if we can differentiate it and discuss it as a separable component. "Set/s" is not an independent "thing" ... even if it can be conceived of "independently". Therefore, when the attempt is made to re-associate it as being an "original presence" sort of thing, the anomaly arises.
"Set" is an observation-evaluation-translation-of-information construct. To is transcendental. Thus all logical arguments which rely on "set/s" as an independently discussible "thing" in original premises are improper, and any deduced anomaly or paradox is not conditionally a result, rather it is pre-present in the condition of an inaccurate premise. Subtle, but there none the less. To wit, the Russell Paradox is rephrased: "This statement is the expression of an intangible conception, that proposes that there exists a conception that is not a member of the set of conceptions."
Ergo, the built in dys-solution...the Liar's Paradox :
if A ... then not A
if not A... then A.This is no trivial bit of mental or linguistic gymnastics. It turns out that the symmetry and dys-symmetry of the Universe ... the physics of existence elucidated in recent decades ... relates intimately with this so called "fact" of philosophy! "
5) "Newton's Apple reduxxed ... Gödel made it invisible!"
A black box sits on a table.
Participants are asked to open the box and view the contents. Inside rests a red apple, initially shielded from illumination - a Platonic "apple" sans external photons. A discussion is presented which clarifies the need for a post-Platonic post-Gödel theory of existence. Correlations are made between the independence and wholeness of the object inside, vis a vis the rest of the universe, observing sentients, and information. Environment is a crucial parameter, which presence is needed in order to make anything Platonicly complete. Under current Set Theory (Gödel, neo-Platonism, etc.) no objects can ever have color ... something provided only in the presence of environments and energies external to and beyond an object's "outer" boundary-limit.
6) "The Hourglass... Continuums precede Quantum Mechanics"
This exhibit is an hourglass
" The Hourglass . . . Continuums precede Quantum Mechanics "
.. first operated in the usual manner upright on a surface, then placed on its side. Gravity represents - is - the presense of a temporal gradient. Thus, the display indicates that the flow of time precedes any and all statistical events ... including quantum mechanics (!). This notion is counter to current modern physics which says that QM symmetries precede Thermodynamic asymmetries such as entropy. Placing gradients, even temporal ones, in this light, forces a reconsideration of 'dimensions' and symmetry breaking. Superpositioning and simultaneity can be appreciated as coding states rather than preconditions. This leads towards a unified field theory of universe architecture.There is a fundamental problem with ALL statistics as currently practiced, and therefore, wrong with Quantum Mechanics, based on this deficiency. The consequences are crucial because they impact the current perception that primal quantum mechanics at the sub atomic level eventually transforms into thermodynamics at the everyday level of masses and heat exchange. The accurate arrangement is that a thermodynamic relationship (a gauge gradient) MUST PRECEDE any mathematically statistical events/constructions.
The Gaussian bell curve is only one limit of a more general set of parameters which must necessarily be in the form of Fuzzy Logic equations.
Consider the classical experiment of dropping bb's across a panel of pegs, and how they eventually form the classic bell shape. Is it possible to adjust the experiment so that some other curves might be produced? One possibility : change the pegs to thin fibers and the bb's to a bowling ball, and taken one at a time the "curve" is always and only a vertical line. So. The bell curve is only one of several limits of a broader Fuzzy Logic equation where the parameters are: the form and quantity of energy put into a system, the form, quantity and resistance to that energy of whatever the internal structure already is, PLUS, the presence or absence of a field/mechanism that allows interaction in the first place.
When there is an absence of a gradient which imparts impetus and
allows the events to occur, there are no events to apply statistics to.If you take the bb/peg board apparatus and float it in outer space, unless human or mechanical intervention sends the bb's into the pegs, nothing happens. The bb's don't interact with the pegs and no "statistics" happen. Ie, we currently take the force of gravity for granted and don't include it as a factor in statistical equations the way it should be. When it comes to other everyday events, that energy gradient is missing also. Take test grades for example. The incoming energy is the knowledge base of the students. The pegs are the test questions. The pervasive gradient is the goal of getting a passing grade, thus surviving school toward a degree, thus succeeding in life (etc, ad nauseam).
In the absence of some reason for the interaction to occur, no interaction does, and we never get any events to statistically evaluate.
Some gauge gradient must precede statistical events, even quantum mechanics.
The display you see makes this eminently clear. If the hourglass/sand timer is in its typical vertical position parallel to the gravity vector, the sand drops and produces the statistical mound shape. Lay it on its side and no statistical mound is made, because you've voided out the energy gradient and/or appropriate path (here, the gravity vector) through which or across which a statistical event can be effected and educed.
Time and/or some other differential gradient PRECEDES Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Temporal Symmetry need not be "broken" or adjusted to produce thermodynamic time. QTS doesn't exist per se. It is a codified state existing in the presence of a continuum. QTS is similar to a calculus locus reduced to a zero-duration. "Symmetry" is just another term for <all eigenstate potentials of n-dimension> topologically compressed down to (n-1) dimension.
Plus, a penultimate evaluation of consciousness in the universe.
Other "Hard Questions"
Chalmer's "Hard Question" about qualia is not really new. It is the ages old recognition and question:
"what animates life?" ... "how does an event exist as experience?"It is an important cognition/relationship no matter how it is worded, and something that humanity will probably come to terms with in the near future, if not at Tucson II.
The "easy answer" to the "hard question" will probably sound more flippant than valid when it is finally voiced, but it should be something like this: "Coherent energy experiences itself, especially when recursive."
That may be an answer that we aren't comfortable with but it is close to the truth. To paraphrase Gump, "Consciousness is as consciousness does." A coherent energy - some may call it "soliton" - has a real existence conditional on but independent from the environment and structural sources which generate and support its presence. That independence, the ability to remain intact while encountering the rest of existence, is consciousness. However simply or intricately contrived. Anthropomorphic consciousness is one form, our form, but it is not the only form. An entity is what it is. Comparable entities can experience comparably. Non- comparable ones probably have a more difficult time of it. Not thoroughly impossible mind you, just rather more restricted.
So, the answer to the "hard question" will most likely be much more difficult to accept than to express.
In light of this, I would like to propose some additional "also-hard questions":
1) What is so important about "free will"? Why is "free will" or "not free will" so crucial a question
that all human philosophies even ponder it?2) How does Question (1) arise or evolve from quark architecture?!?!?!
3) If physical spacetime has a speed limit, shouldn't mathematics have one also?
That is, how fast does information get transmitted through a tensor-metric matrix?
Under current methodology information transfer is immediate, non-local & infinite.
Is this really an appropriate organization of mathematics?4) If "nothing" escapes a BlackHole, why does gravity do it so freely and capriciously?!?!?!
5) Will a computer (an AI) ever self-spontaneously recognize that bone and water share identical
mechanical properties? Or appreciate that an infant's hollow bottomed bottle placed on its foot
can be a .. puppet?In the final analysis the only real valid perception of Conscious existence is that:
The Universe is the Godhead's version of Artificial Intelligence. ;-)*******************************************
Ode to a Vanishing Point
The Point of these discussions is oh so frail indeed
Just when you think you "see" it.
It "vanishes" complete.( )
Or rather, should I say we start with "double" takes
(the things that norm' come last) ;
Reverse the order ... START with two co-linear ... "parallel" paths! {! = !}
For then, out at ........~INFINITY ~...... the "point" appears at last !!!
And out beyond our vision ... we see ! ( beyond our grasp ?!).> . <
But fear not, gentle warriors, in the Battle for Clear Minds,
These convoluted caperings just help us pass
The Time.
For, like the Jabber-Wock who strolled
Along the beachy-sea,
Twas "infinity" beneath his feet
(where ever he did see).U n c o u n t a b l e grains jibed tender soles
As poddingly he went.
While his brain did valiant wrastlings
To understand this .... God's foul fowl jest.And .... the reason why ... there is this or that
And, of course, of : "was" "will be".
And oh my dear, a quaff of beer
Might help us more plainly see!!!!So, into the soup ( or fray ) my dears
Whatever be your pleasure
Except as musings (wandering here)
Some things are beyond our measure.Twas briley in Deo's design
that we be "less than" her/him.
And save for some twinkly twist of Being {hidden in his/her grin}
We just might never know it all (!) : ....
....just where "the point" begins!Or: where it ends or where it goes or has it
Umpteen umpteen toes.
Oh round the Universe we goes
Spinning ever ever so
A tizzy wizzy whirly twirl
until thought-light goes on :A crucial skill we all must master
In this worldly place of lathe and plaster:
Wheeling .... 'tooling' as Sapiens do
(to even get 'round to market)We won't get a License to travel Space&Time
Until we can parallel park it !!!!!
a Ceptualist Ditty by 1992
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