Ljubljana Dialogues
Slovenia conference on
Bohm's Communicative Universe <hyperlink|
October 7-9, 1998
The Self-Emersive Universe
Existence as a
self-sentient topology
see also:
Self-Sentient Topology text and diagrams of the Internet lecture |
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:Existence can only explore its own Being if it is fully and completely accessible with and to itself. We are part of that sentience. All that is, was, or can be, has been present in current or alternative expressions - always. Whether as potential or instantiation. A specific model of existence in support of these observations and claims is sketched out and discussed. The mechanisms are as we - the universe - discover them where openly available, and imagine them where we hold elegance as our criteria and guide to fill the incomplete or conditionally inaccessible.
Specific non-traditional notions are presented:
1) Topology is not an inert model of organization. It is transmutable dimensionality which induces
real differential densities, real structural gradients and therefore real fields.
2) Entropy/Negentropy is the fundamental 'force' of Dimensional Topology.
3) Time is a real plural-dimensioned architecture, in keeping with ideas of phasespace.
4) Local entropy processes co-produce negentropy and thus complexity.
5) Sentience is dialogue among 'self' and 'else'. It's foundation is the active self-referential
structure of the universe, where 'locality' and 'non-locality' are artifacts of how
dimensions are conditionally configured, expressed, encounteredkeywords
: Integrity, access, dimensional topology, sentience, communication
Approaching a learned audience - which is already familiar with some of the most exotic scientific concepts known to humanity - with ideas that are novel, creative, and hopefully worthy of consideration, is a challenge as no other before. I request your indulgence and consideration therefore, to think through my reasonings and comments, in order to look on the deeper essences involved and find a measure of merit in the a' priories being considered. I encourage you to new thoughts and perspectives by the brief unfolding of the ideas I present here.
From physics to mathematics, relativity, quantum mechanics, complexity, consciousness, biology, systems theory and all physical and sentient endeavors the universe enacts, the one singular thread which binds the unity together is "communication" ... which is exactly the theme of this conference: "Dialogue". Everything else that we ponder, consider and debate are "mechanisms" of communication.
Of all the topics and information which science deals with -- and which the Undivided Bohm~Hiley Universe focuses on -- none is more significant than the notion of communication and of involvement. Everything else, without exception, is technique. Whether classical, quantum, explicate, implicate or super-implicate, the essence which pervades everything is: interaffectiveness among extants. We may consider direct transformations, coded transformations, transductions, translations, transferences, transmutations, transitions, locality/nonlocality, emergence, holographics, and so on, yet, when we come down to it, the one dynamic quality we are concerned with is: 'being' impacting 'being' ... behaviors of shared influence among existential companions.
Whether divined as metaphors, models, paradigms or world-views, the things we explore are the architectures and dynamics and experiences of communication. And our concern is with more than just instantaneous or immediate events and transactions, it is with the streaming flow of being, the access field and all available potential - proximity in time as well as space, in possibility as well as fulfilled action, locally and non-locally.
This connectivity runs so deeply that Bohm believed that the universe is not just causal but hypercausal, not just deterministic but super-deterministic, because in architecture and dynamics access is the supreme relationship embedded in existence. Before metaphor, before correlation (Benking), before structure, dynamics or mechanisms, existence is the enactment of relationships. This is the First Emergent, the primal Quality. It underscores explicate and implicate ... and everything else possible in the domain of Being. The linguist Benjamin Whorf educed this from Einsteinian Relativity. Not only is information malleable - relative in the sense of 'variable/mutable', but it is also relative in the sense of 'intimately related together'. He hinted at this in 1936 by stating that observations, ideas, languages "can in someway be calibrated."
" individual is free to describe nature with absolute impartiality but is constrained to certain modes of interpretation even while he thinks himself most free. The person most nearly free in such respects would be...familiar with very many widely ... We are thus introduced to a new principle of "relativity", which holds that all observers are not led by the same physical evidence to the same picture of the universe, unless their linguistic backgrounds are similar, or can in someway be calibrated."
The closing words of that statement rely on there being an essential structure to our universe which enables translation and correspondence, no matter how distant the notions or what seeming barriers there might be.
It is essential that we comprehend the absoluteness of this notion. Because, it ultimately guides us to a total model of existence, so complete in its specification, that it impacts topology, Godel, Bohm, and every aspect of existence - from primal structure out through all elaborations and expressions - including life, mind, and the valuable potential of what may be non-existent at any moment yet 'possible' under amendable open conditions and variables. Our actions, thoughts, projections and most intimate and social communications are exploratory expressions within which we "discover", simply because the universe is built to commune - in profound innate self-sentient dialogue, and in performance of the connectiveness of extensive possibilities. In the simplest sense, to be "accessible to 'calibration'", is to be living party to Lorentzian transformations of the most complex design and actualization. The challenge of this concept requires that we totally re-appraise what we have assumed by convention. It prompts us to ask new questions, like, "What general aspects do all information systems share - fundamentally?", and, "Can we discover a model so complete that it might even include a rationale for our motivation to search for such knowledge at all?", and even, "If each small fragment of a holographic plate can contain all the 'information' to make an image visible/recognizable separately from the other fragments, n(Image) , then how much information is truly present on an unfragmented plate? Where does all that n-compounded amount of "information" go ?"
We like to think that humanity is touched by a divine spark, gracing us with intellectual drive and fervor... a tabula rasa waiting to be filled with information that awaits us. But I like to think of it a little differently, if you will. We may indeed be immersed in the waters of transcendent inspiration, encouraged to absorb higher levels of understanding. Yet I think we are also composed of a Dynamic Coordination that thirsts from within - from first principles - for what is available amidst our shared existences. The fibre and weave of energyspacetime, the topology that communes with its own structure, is the foundation of which we find ourselves made, as expressive samples and sentient explorations of a Universe in search of understanding what it itself is.
Yes, we have a location as independent beings - within definable social orders, in organic environments and processes, part of local and extended cosmos and so on, with relationships and purposes that are tight and well designated (even if only dimly understood); yes, our involvements are real, personal and immediate. But in the larger scheme, all these are representative cases, over and above our personal image of what they mean and any perceived local importances. The locations of our lifespace, the timespans we have are well defined. Even so, we act out the dynamics and relationships that are available to us by prescription ... our physics motivating our chemistry, our chemistry motivating our metabolism, our biology motivating our performance with environments composed of dis-similar and similar beings and entities. Our behaviors are reactive and creative, existing not in bitstreams or even compounded bitstreams, but in holistic floods of constant constant intercourse, plurally and competently engaged in. The essence of it all being built up from the start and the raw material of existence. And we have reached a conceptual plateau where we must go the next bold step of saying that such dynamics are not mysteriously "bound to" the static frame of dimensional organization, but rather "are" the vibrant expressions of dimensional organization relationships. In essence: form is function. Even its rawest form: pure topological presence.
We typically think of information as being "carried" and/or transmitted along some "channel". But if there is no mechanical form or obvious medium present to act as "carrier", if a wave impulse in free space is the information/energy signal, then where is its intrinsic "channel"? Because this situation is everywhere, we are reduced to accepting that no information is transferred without "space" or without "time". So, the a' priori deduction is that not only is "space" a channel, but "time" must be also , in independent and profound ways.
The current philosophy of our Physics of Being is that any 'force' must be associated with a physical particle. The accepted logic has it that energy transmission is essentially a momentum and an inertia process ... 'something' affecting 'something' ... in obvious and even not-so-obvious ways: encounters.
I propose an alternative understanding based on the same data and observations. Yes, there are particles, yes there is energy, but essentially, these 'things' are probably local knots of "dimension-configurations" ... fluxing and relocating within the full domain of the at-large structure of Dimensions - which domain acts as the qualitative field of channels ...potential and enacted paths of access. The complex topology of Dimensions therefore is replete with relationships generated simply by symmetry breaking. It must be more than an inert template wherein energy and matter roam about. This viable interpretation proposes that 'dimensions' - in different local configurations - are timespace stresses that we happen to identify as 'energy' and 'particles'. They are dimension knots transiting through dimension fields. If we can define essential force-dynamic qualities which can be associated with specific characteristic aspects of organization forms and density-variances, such qualities should be traceable through alternative arrangements of broken-symmetry dimensions. This means that matter/energy can be 'transformed' simply by changing the dimensionality of expression.
A holograph is a prime example. A static holograph is essentially the frozen arrangement of a wave-front captured orthogonal to its full direction of travel. The information has been coded to a form which takes the information from 3-temporal dimension expression and presents it in 2-temporal dimension expression: the cross-section of the wavefront. The "information" is still all there, merely codified in a different configuration of 'dimensions'.
The design-model is essentially this: in accordance with the relational distinctions of Explicate/Implicate, of the BigBang (which I reference as the "Shinn-yu Event", the inceptor of spacetime more than the inceptor of energymatter), and of quantum Zero Point Energy fluctuations - Dimensionality is the raw material of existence. It is infinitely compressible and codable, and can "contain" hyperexponential quantities of information even in zero-exponent states. In other words, point-locus's can have 'content' even if we don't currently acknowledge this possibility. But this is the direction that supersymmetry is taking us. It is the realm which Bohm and Hiley have begun filling in. It is the form/function by which Pribram vitalizes holography as a biological process. And it is, I suggest, the foundational quality which produces the fundamental forces: local knots of symmetry breaking, dimensions 'decompressed' and enacting new relationships - new "qualia", if you will - arising emergently out of what we used to think of as "nothing", but is merely as condensed state of "something" .... dimensional relationships and potential. Just as consciousness is the qualia produced by systems-dynamics, the four fundamental forces are the qualia produced by the dynamics of the Implicate Order - made explicate by symmetry breaking."
I will pursue this thought, but I need to explore some parallel considerations with you first.
ENTROPY - Innate Density Structure which enacts Asymmetry
"Topology" as producer of force dynamics and real gradientsImportantly, this is our first indication that Time must have structure .. equal with all characteristics we tacitly and typically ascribe only to "material" or space. In the sense that I mean this, 'channel structure' must actually be inherent in topology - not only in relational geometric organization, but also in whatever real dynamics such topological architecture must enact. Form and Action are not independent. Yes, we can mentally distinguish the aspects, but in the truest relationship, they are intimate and bound. The unavoidable step we must now take is to recognize that this holds true within the very essence of existential architecture. Topology is not inert or static. Differential order brings with it force differentials. I will explain the bound-connection.
First, regarding emergence, we do not ask if "between" arises as a relationship because of some distance separating spatial positions that we observe first, or, whether "separate spatial positions" arise because "distance away from a location" permits it a' priori. They are bound. The architecture and the relation. A reductive metaphor here guides us to the notion that Topology brings with it many diverse concentrations of structure and order, which include innate and native "gradient fields".
Consider an arc segment of a unit circle. If we project that length out onto a 2-unit size circle, we have 2 distances which in one sense are isomorphic, whereas empirically the lengths are 1:2. From Cantor (the Aleph Infinities are identical for both segments), we can reasonably say that the 'density' of the arc of the unit circle is greater than the 'density' of the 2-unit, and varies smoothly in between. I further propose that the continuum of arc densities in this example - all arcs and densities from 1 to 2 (and similar locations) - are not "static", but establish in-fact underlying and real architecture-stresses, which are analogs of pressure differentials and concentrations we typically reserve for talking about energy and particle accumulations, only here they have quite an actual reality and presence of their own. What I assert by this is, entropy and negentropy gradients are intrinsic to every and all topologies which aren't absolutely symmetric or without dimensional variances or distinctions of any sort.
So, whether treated as 'potential' or as 'realization', topology is essentially "ordered in-homogeneity". Where there are distinguishably different relationships within a domain, there can be no undifferentiated perfect 'uniformity', smooth and identical everywhere/everywhen. And, where there is differentiation or displacement-of-component structure, "gradient" must also be present. This is a pervasive and conceptually deep fact. It means that topological systems autonomously include tension or displacement 'stresses'. That is, topology displays intrinsic real 'entropic/ negentropic' qualities ... which are a characteristic of any irregularly mixed distribution of factors, not just 'energy' (the way it was first conceived, and then extended regarding 'information'). This is crucial.
Entropy can and has to present been defined in several ways: "the reduced ability to do-work", "the tendency towards disorder", "the non-information content of a system", and others more mathematically crisp. The definition the Integrity Paradigm invokes is yet another one: a change in the distribution of system components. This focuses on what the quality of "disorder" is ... increased diffusion through a potential space of existence. Typically we think of it as matter/energy increasingly dispersed through a physical region. But reduced physical proximity means not just enlarged distances, but also the time it takes to get to some next "encounter" and act-on or work-on other entities. So essentially, entropy is a diffusion into an enlarged 'behavior space' temporally as well as physically.
But something else is going on. If we map encounter-events in any general system, localizations (increased neg-entropy) display as density clusters, in-homogenous distributions where some encounters take place more often than in less-dense regions. So, in the larger sense, where 'distribution' is the principle criteria, entropy is a smoothing towards homogeneity.
And this is the definition where I take my stand theoretically. All the other definitions of entropy and specific applications can be developed from this fundamental one. The Shannon definition of negentropy as information, for example, can be neatly built out of this, based simply on the notion that 'information' is any real or conditional distinction which is differentiable from its surrounding. Perfectly smooth homogeneous systems do not readily provide "information". This doesn't imply absence of information content, just that expression or sensing of inhomogeneity is not active or conditionally available.
To be further explicit about the inferences discussed here, the dimensional topology of energyspacetime has one active component : the gradients enacted by variations in architectured densities of innate topology, of temporal/physical phasespace dimensions and of distributions of phasespace knots (matter/energy) within dimensional behavior-space. Observed entropy and negentropy are the most primal intrinsic products/aspects of spacetime. The four "fundamental" forces are actually secondary qualia produced by the dynamics of the Implicate Order, not the first.
When all is said and done about the final dissipation of energy in the universe ... the universally accepted "energy/heat death", there will remain one last force! The gradient of gravity. This is an accretion, anti-homogeneity gradient. The last 'force' is a negentropic one, not entropic directly. It derives its power and impetus from being a temporally dimensional gradient which has increased inhomogeneity closest to its center of topology. It is a non-Abelian non-commutative topology which - counter-intuitively - "smooths" the over-all gradient structure by attractive local pressures induced by asymmetric deformation in the direction of the largest deformation. In other words, the number of individual extraneous local centers-of-topology are reduced by combining, so the net product is a smoother over-all topology event.
We are still talking about a universe that is intimately connected and communicating among all its associated parts, but we are accounting for both dissipation and acquisition as 'smoothing' operations. In some events it is a smoothing of the energy/matter within the fuller behavior spaces. In others it is a smoothing of variances of the full topology itself. But in all cases, it is still essentially the picture of a consistent, coherent, self-sensitive, self-sentient entity. Whether we consider relative parts or the whole.
ACCESS - shared characteristics of the seemingly un-related
For the moment, we need to continue with understanding wherein the qualities of communication reside ... and look at the relationships enabled or restricted by organizations, rather than component physicality of organization.
A metal wire is a 'channel' - a conveyor of impulses. But so is an 'empty open doorway ' - which provides an un-barriered access route between 2 or more spaces that can emit/receive a signal. In a profound way we begin to grow past Aristotle and the logic which claims that 'existence' and 'non-existence' are mutually exclusive of shared qualities. That may not be the absolute case. It may be that the experiences of Being are in the access-relationships of existence more than the manifested forms. It may even be that we can tease out the hidden structure of time and find that the Implicate Order is not 'atemporal' - a condition of absolute 'no-time' - but rather a codified form of dimensionality in which a friction or impedance quality of asymmetric Time is absent because it is dimensionally compacted or transfigured to "zero-state"... not "zero-existence". Time remains, but in zero-state is unlimited in spatial access; it allows energy/information expressions to reach, connect, bind and behaviorally unify physicality, even if represented as a singularity or so-called dimensionless locus, and even across distances that are non-local in the de-compressed dimensional state. In essence, impedance is brought to zero and a super-conductivity occurs. The result: non-local "communication", even if in hyper-coded form.
Counter to conventional thought, we must consider the possibility that information can be resident in very unusual and atypical transformations. Cantor in the 19th century and symmetry theorists of the 20th century have already laid the groundwork for this notion. The infinity of a plane is equal with the infinityof a line. They are essentially isomorphic. So too then, the information content of a plane must be fully storable -- and retrievable -- from a linear 1-dimension. And, if we allow this topological relationship -- whether or not we immediately perceive a mechanism that accomplishes it -- then even a transcendental dimensionless point-locus might be competent to contain an infinite amount of information or potential expression. Super-symmetry. The Implicate Order. This is what Bohm explored -- a substantive structure and dynamics hidden yet implied -- that underscores observable existence...that which we most obviously experience in plural dimensioned uncompressed (or decompressed) coding of spacetime and energy.
My concern, as Bohm & Hiley, is with that substantive structure too, but as I've suggested, it is more closely tied with the observable explicate world than Bohm presumed. I suggest that existence is a meshed exposition of information which can be expressed in very many topologically coded configurations of dimensions -- temporal and spatial. In other words, for any defined grouping, there may be an intrinsic and extensive information-content which only appears to be different because of the dimensional windows we see it through at any observation. Depending on the number and arrangement of dimensions that 'information' is expressed or observed in, will determine an information subset, which we otherwise interpret as a local complete set.
From this, we can build a singular way of blending quantum relationships with field forms (relativity), and even holography. Because Bohm dealt with the statistical qualities of quantum mechanics he was aware that the Implicate was almost like a reservoir ... possibilities built upon possibilities ... only part of which could be realized or enacted in the explicit/Explicate portion of existence. Concisely, Bohm said there is no isomorphic one-to-one correspondence between these 2 aspects of existence. I appreciate his perception, even agree with it in principle, but I would suggest an addendum.
The Explicate may be local and limited instantiation of what is totally available from the Implicate. Then again, transformation operators - such as integration and differentiation via the Calculus - may substantially be Lorentzian in quality. The information may look different, may present differently, but may merely be alternative representations of the "same" information. I will explain, using two trains of logic.
Exploring 'what-is' rather than 'what-we-see' by gestaltMany years ago as I was learning photography, I complained to a more seasoned photographer that I was constantly surprised when printing pictures, to find people or objects in the frame that I didn't remember being there when I shot the photo. He laughed gently and said, "You've really got to look through the view finder and see exactly what the camera sees. The mistake that casual picture takers make is that they're concentrating and mentally focussing so hard on only the thing they want to capture on film, that they disregard and totally miss things that are right there in the full lightfield the camera is gathering in."
In the clearest way, this is probably the situation we face in diagnosing events and phenomena. We perceive what is most apparent to us - the convenient model or paradigm - and sometimes miss what is 'actually there'. We are sometimes 'oblivious' in the presence of 'obviousness'. But this is the nature of 'pattern building' and our reliance on such patterns for continuity and performance assurance as we encounter each moment of life's activities. Breaking with tradition, incorporating new cognitions, is not an easy thing.
In this case I don't mean to re-hash old concepts with you. I do need you to re-consider the possibility that even the most statistical formulations and descriptions are 'deterministic' at their very core. So, rather than review established dichotomous viewpoints or models - a technique which hasnt been very successful, it might be wiser to open ourselves to re-interpreting what we thought we already knew. In other words, maybe the coding and recoding techniques of the universe have to become our primary frame of reference, rather than time or space per se, rather than point or non-point , et cetera.
It is incumbent on us to consider a corollary to implicate order and connection ... the possibility that energy and information can very easily be recoded into many alternative dimension- configurations. Like taking a sheet of paper with a message or design on it and viewing it edge-on. Some essential information is still there, even if not recognized or accessible in the way first encountered.
Think with me about the standard calculus functions of differentiation and integration. In their simplest forms the operations transform an n-dimensional construct into an (n+1) or an (n-1) dimensional construct. It looks like totally new and different information, indicative of quite different orders of relevance. A curve isn't area isn't volume isn't slope, etc. We experience different relationships and so treat these kinds of things as distinctly different information. And in one sense, that is a correct and valid view.
But, to gain insight to an alternative interpretation, lets consider for a moment integration of a simple sine curve. It produces a negative cosine. Once more, produces a negative sine wave. Done again, a cosine. And again, a sine wave results. There is a 90 degree orthogonal shift (information change), but, the intrinsic wave function "information" - invariant under the simplest Lorentzian transform - does-not-change! The very untraditional implication is that the same holds true for all differential transformations, no matter how extreme. What we assumed we were perceiving as being demonstrably 'different information', is actually the same information, merely expressed in different dimensional forms of expression. As complicated as our notions of 'information' already are - being sometimes enumerative and computational, being relational and non-commutative at other time and conditions - we now have the added quality of there being an 'intrinsic content' even when demonstrably transformed and mutated through dimensional reorganizations and alternative expressions.
This infers that all of existence is a panorama of information, forming and reforming in different dimensional organizations ... without restriction to orthogonal forms (and so, by extension, embracing fractal dimensions as part of the full dimensional-spectrum), and allowing us to consider as valid and natural the probability that information can be codified intact in Zero-dimensions, even as unusual and unnatural as that seems under the current paradigms.
To experience a 2 dimensional image from within the plane of its existence is not to erase or negate the image and information content, but to experience a codified version of it. By extension, to experience a particle therefore is probably to experience a wave function in 1 or 2 less temporal dimensions without negating the energy or information content present in the wave form. And indeed, the wave information is retrievable and re-convertible... by re-configuring the full temporal structure.
The conclusion to be drawn here is that we exist in n-dimensions, but, existence is not restricted to those alone, and neither are extants restricted to experiencing iso-dimensional information. If we dissect a 2 dimensional image and transform it into a digital binary code, we can experience both forms of information ... the bit-stream and the matrix compilation. The same information is essentially there in both. In fact, you might say that the only thing missing from the picture form is the time to accumulate the data and present it all simultaneously. A temporal dimension has been removed or otherwise compressed-to-zero. Now, if time is still present in both these experiential conditions, something else is going on which we do not typically recognize -- Time has a plural structure. It is a multi-dimensional aspect of existence which probably embodies Cantorian/symmetry characteristics -- having topological structure, including the capacity to be information, and retain information, even when codified to a zero-th state or form.
What does this mean? It means, among other things, that an implicate order is a substantive reality, not a hypothetical domain. It means that QM superpositioning is the nature of being for all information in the implicate state ... spatially and temporally. Distinctive information is fully accessible to all other information, unfettered by the restrictions of symmetry-broken states.
To change dimensionality of an extant is probably to change the viscosity of information transmission and access. Just as mechanical friction is random variability which diverts and deflects monotonic motion, broken symmetry adds dimension-states and so increases random-variability factors, and so introduces "friction" -- viscosity -- that affects how information performs ... in these different environmental conditions.
These ideas bring us back to my opening notion, that time and space are channels in an essential sense. With the potential perfusion that time and space and energy provide, we must then consider that all dimensional configurations and combinations are "environmental" to all others. Structurally and inter-relationally accessible -- always. Form is function. And transForm is the ability of communicate in pluralities of ways...even and especially simultaneously. Plus, all existential forms must embody the topological information qualities and characteristics of total dimensionality. Several of which science is already familiar with and is continuing to examine, explain and understand : Josephson junctions ; Bell inequality ; sonoluminescence ; the triple polarized filter experiment ; and, most importantly for this conference on the reality and dynamics of Dialogue as a primal qualia of the universe, holographic transformation of information as exemplified by the work of Karl Pribram.
I arrived at the foregoing ideas using a totally different logic than Bohm, yet appreciate that we have essentially arrived at similar conclusions. I see these relationships as pervasive and active throughout the observable universe, while he substantially explored it in the hypercodified portion of the universe. The Implicate Order is essentially a zero-dimension-state format in which there are still non-zero-dimension dynamics and information. It would not be unreasonable to say therefore that just as consciousness and certain forms of complexity are the qualia produced by known fundamental forces, that the fundamental forces are the qualia educed from the relational dynamics of the Implicate Configuration. (As an aside, I know this runs counter to the standard interpretations of the Bohm/Hiley Universe and Consciousness, but I offer it for discussion regardless.)
There are several concept threads which arise with all this. As I indicated, one concern is that we re-organize our concept of Time. It is my contention that the standard physics (super-symmetry) mantra of "many spatial dimensions, only one time dimension" is inaccurate. I see phasespace and other mathematical expressions of time as indicating it has a plural-dimension structure also. If we are to be conceptually consistent in our house of mathematics, then we have already established that exponents are markers of the 'number of dimension expressions' present for a given value-function. x
2 indicates two dimensional state, and so on. Acceleration values and similar, t2, t3 and even the long cherished, c2, are explicitly saying that there are plural temporal dimensions present, not just tricks of mathematical manipulation. Even t0 is a competent dimensional state, capable of holding codified information .I even go so far as to say that Gravity is the felt force of plural temporal dimensions entropically distressed. One way of explaining that is to say that orthogonal temporal dimensions are the product of temporal symmetry breaking, with the concurrent effect of producing an inverse or negative relational component with each new orthogonal dimension. That is, symmetry breaking, or any plus-or-minus change in dimensional presences, transforms commutative systems into non-commutative ones, and vice versa. This change in commutative structure introduces a negative component. The stressed temporal field is distorted higher in regions closer to its focal origin and is an attractive (negative) force because of the broken symmetry component, and, the greater the distortion the greater the entropy attempting to smooth the negentropic field distortion.
This is why gravity so capriciously "escapes" even the largest Black Holes so easily when nothing else does. Gravity must not be quantum-particle, it must be field. Reichenbach stated that quite elegantly in his explanation of relativity (1927). He termed it Theorem Theta. Any field which exists in or enters a spacial region, so completely affects everything within that space - including detection devices - that the devices can never detect variations in the field. Non-pervasive, localized differentials (particles) can be picked up in a flash. Field components can never be. They can be experienced in toto, but not isolated.
I unabashedly state to you therefore that Time is kin to the Implicate. It is possible to specify an internal structure to both, showing results that are observable in the Explicate - and so have a deterministic quality of "connection" and relationships and thus communication (the essence of Dialogue). And this notion - revisiting the initial comments of this paper - means that deterministic communication is pervasive. The reason this becomes so important and striking an idea, is that Complexity - the heterotelic arising of qualities, qualia and new organization (so called emergence) is a result of entities dialoguing with each other. I evaluate this phenomenon as local entropies producing companion negentropic complexities in nested exponential domains.
That is one viable way of discussing the system-event process. Another way, more appropriate to this gathering is the qualitative result: communication and dialogue enact complex integrated systems and, the better reticulated such dialoguing communication is the stronger more robust and longer lasting the larger System (Shannon 1949, 1954). The more integrated and communicative systems are, the more competent when encountering new experiences and information. Potential is actualized and realized. The behavior-spaces of existence become a wonderground of physical and conceptual explorations.
By treating Dimensions as being competent to code and carry information, even if configured to "zero-state" at times, opens up all the prior disparities and dichotomies, making them whole by making them inter-translatable. Wave information is orthogonally present - automatically - in the plane which is orthogonal to the direction it travels. When the temporal component orthogonal to the direction of travel is reduced to zero (i.e., resymmetrized), the 2 harmonic components of wave energy (each lambda/2) compress the orthogonal information to a point (co-spatial with-and-as the axis of travel). This become (2lambda/2)
2. Or, (lambda) 2. This is the standard transform of particle/wave "duality". The energy content of a "particle" is its quantum wavelength value squared. Absurdly elegant and direct. Like a Feynmann diagram. Information presented in a simple standard geometry that blends topology with information theory (,1992). This becomes easily recognized as the formalism which underscores holographic transductions and separations, referencing different combinations of dimension-state expressions. It is also the formalism of sonoluminescence.
SUMMARYAs Denise Schmandt-Bessaret voiced at a recent ISSS conference, humanity is poised "on the verge of extraordinary new realizations". We must advance David Bohm's lead and Basil Hiley's strides and Karl Pribram's clarity of the unusual. There is a viable way to overcome the illusionary disparities of current images that try to deal with how existence is organized and the ways and reasons it functions as it does. The self-emersive active topology model presented here is one possibility.
Existence is not 'form' it is process. It is in essence and in expression a communion exploring what it is and what it can be. Dialogue at the level of human sentience mirrors the pan-sentience that courses deeply through the entire body and composure of existence. Participation proves its reality and richly enhances its meaning and achievements. We carry the foundation of the future in our actions, and satisfy the purpose of life itself by being companioned sources and receptors of insight and shared wisdom.
Benjamin Lee Whorf, "Language Thought and Reality". p214.ed. John Carroll, 1956 MIT Press,
Cambridge. (reprint of Tech.Rev., 42:229-231, 247-248, no.6 (April 1940)).
Heiner Benking,
Hans Reichenbach, "Philosophy of Space and Time" (1927). 1957, Dover Publications, NY.
D Bohm & B.J.Hiley, "Undivided Universe" 1993. Routledge, London & New York.
"Understanding the Integral Universe".1972,1992,Ceptual Institute.
Ceptual Institute website.
see also: The Self-Sentient Topology
text and diagrams of the Internet lecture
GENRE (important works by other writers)