The Philosophy of Integrity |
Complexity is a science in need of a philosophy. The Integrity Paradigm is that philosophy. It gives Complexity its context within the larger pantheon of dynamic behaviors of the universe. It provides novel understandings of long observed yet unexplained behaviors in systems.
But it is something much more profound. For it guides us into a fully relativistic and relational universe, where "what endures" are the intangibles, the transcendental, not the forms and expressions of energy. What was "solid" is now "malleable". "Rigidity" being a temporary node in a sea of transience. "Boundary" is no longer a fixed-state but a result of mutual relationships. The "escape velocity" of a gravitational mass, for example, is functionally determined by its mass and the momentum of a second mass within the region of influence. There is no physical "wall" involved, but there is a very real relational one.
Just so, with the levels and assemblies of organization of the universe. Their separations are defined by relationships, but they are eminently accessible to each other, and affect each other's performance ... resulting in patterned behaviors. There is information openness and transduction. Each level of organization displaying behavior options unique to itself yet employing relational dynamics shared identically with all other levels. In this sense, the notion developed from Fractal Complexity -- that the same patterns show up no matter how small or large on the mathematical scale of existence one examines -- is accurate. But that paints an incomplete picture. Atoms do not beget scaled-up atoms. They beget molecules. And molecules beget metabolic loops, which beget cellular automata, and so on. Each of these levels of organization -- and all others in the universe -- share a common inter-level relationship, which promotes the enactment of Non-Fractal Complexity ... seen everywhere throughout existence.
The Integrity Paradigm now forcefully redefines the philosophical meaning of Complexity.
Complexity is: the existential condition of behaviors bound together in sustained recurrence.
Any processes or forces or dynamics or relationships which satisfy that simple definition, will qualify a system as complex. The forms will be different, with intricacies unique to each level, with openness to individual and even collective adaption into new complex configurations, yet the principle behaviors are shared, overshadowing any differences. It is driven by intimately and infinitely nested local entropies. Nested Cantorian Infinities. In a universe that is a Dyson Matrix - "infinite in all directions".
Integrity Paradigm is a philosophy which has us place emphasis on the ephemeral, to trust in the memory of the universe - its rules of behavior - rather than in enacted examples. Form is transitory. Options are what are important. "Objectivity" is not an "object", but an enduring intangible. It is what remains, regardless of changes, regardless of relativity and alterations. Regardless of scale. The only "things" perfectly repeatable in the universe are its relationships and rules of behavior.
The Integrity Paradigm is an umbrella concept, embracing all systems behaviors, translating all the diversity, distilling out shared qualities. It respects the integrity of individuation, but always places such identity in context with the universe abundantly around. Experience is personal, even as all things share the ability to "experience". Integrity reminds us that potential and opportunity are the most valuable commodities of existence. Entities may not endure, relationships do ... always and forever.
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"NON-FRACTAL COMPLEXITY" (Order the Videotape)
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