Understanding the Integral Universe |
Another "Philadelphia Story"
When I refer to the extensive interaffects of many different levels of existence - each having its own focus and entropy gradients - yet which dynamics can convey information to other nested and interactive levels, I mean to convey a sense of holistic synergetic interactions. Interactions that should be taken into account when any behavior or situation is analyzed.
An event of recent years symbolizes this very well. The Philadelphia Philharmonic Orchestra brought over a well known European conductor to take over the orchestral helm. After playing in the existing hall, he agreed to take the job on one condition: that a totally new facility be built!.
It seems that in previous years the wood floor of the hall had been replaced with concrete. The hall's owners had encountered revenue falloffs, and in an attempt to generate more monies to keep the facility open, installed concrete flooring to handle other events. This destroyed the acoustics. The change had been a reasonable one from the standpoint of wanting to create revenues to keep the building self sufficient. But not a technique in the best interests of maintaining the Integrity requirement of a philharmonic facility. The re-structuring had generated jobs. It had opened up the facility for a wider range of activities. It's just that the music suffered. Music that for generations had been composed based on the tonality of instruments and music halls built of pre-20th century materials. And that was the building's purpose in the first place: music.
Music could still be played there, but it would no longer be up to the expectations of the composers, the players, or the listeners. Who could have envisioned that a music hall construction contract, which cash flow benefitted the community, would result in the silencing there of the music ... one of the principle symbols of humanity ... our creativity and expressiveness. (Obviously, no one took the time to consider that concrete lacks "timbre"!)
Depending on the information set being considered, all benefits or deficiencies per a given Integrity domain, are relative. The entropy gradients are different, and, interaffective. What benefits one set of requirements may co-improve others, yet co-diminish still others.
To remain naive to this effect, is to throw away all the intellectual qualities we hold most dear. No one can perfectly perceive everything. But to ignore information and integrated goal priorities is foolish, and sometimes downright reckless and destructive.
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