THE INTEGRITY PAPERS Genre Group AutoDidactics
Valery Kourinsky
Theme 6 : The native language and a foreign one
I. The native language and attitudes to a foreign one.
1. Mastering the native speech when studying a foreign language:
a) the native language as a sum-total of adapted (routine) movements, ideas, notions
(denotations - connotations);
b) a foreign language (at the fresh start stage) is not routine; every one reads in a foreign
language more attentively than in the native one:
- reading in the native language involves missing mistakes, superficial understanding,
shallow perception, easy shifting to mechanical reading;
- reading in a foreign language involves excessive grammar analysis; while reading in the
native one vice versa lacks it;
- the criterion of the skill as the mechanical mastering of speech patterns is taken for
actual speaking;
- the context of customs and traditions, of the national character, of the cultural
environment and background.
2. Drawing closer together the instrumentalities of both languages:
a) taking into aware and unaware account of various linguistic and cultural phenomena and
the ones indirectly connected with the language;
b) the gravitational field of the language (moral ways and habits, ethic customs, local
characters). The language employs not only itself but also the semantic systems from
the subconscious.
3. Practical usage of extralinguistic knowledge when getting acquainted with a foreign language.
II. Intralanguage processes and their perception by a native speaker both in the native and foreign
languages. Enlargement of semantic blocks in the native language on the one hand, and
reduction of a semantic sign to a signal, on the other.
- Premonition of a certain word or phrase.
- Pleonasms and repetitions as both expressive means in a language and surrogates of new
semantic expressions.
- Usage of interjections and particles as the footholds in speech.
III. Purism and a conceived mistake.
Overpurified speech as a symptom of restrained speaking in a foreign language:
1. Standards of impurity admissible in a language.
2. Words introduced as violators and colorings of time (parasite words). The positive and
necessary role they play.
3. Language cliches and colorful metaphoric speech.
IV. Rhythm and language.
1. Link between an image and rhythm.
2. Rhythm and semantic (foothold) accents in the native and foreign languages.
3. Speech intonation and perception of music.
V. Sphere of intonation.
1. Language as a system of intonations with conceived phonetic barriers.
2. Undetailed speaking in the native language.
3. Comprehension of the principles of careless literary colloquial speaking in a foreign language.* * *
Like every earthling I adore the heaven
or firmament or a simple sky
where we can live when on this Planet fly
through all the heights, through all the seven.
And I'm obedient to the order: Cleave in
two parts - celestial and terrestrial. Spy
on yourself evident, on monarchy
of inner land, on Stratford and on Avon!
May be the only joke that here is purposed
is that that everything is ever earnest.
We are in cage of seriousness, of which
nobody can get rid and, though we laugh
at every trifle, the core is sad enough,
because we may existence to impeach.
Valery Kourinsky
Theme 5 Theme 6 Theme 7
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