
Valery Kourinsky

Theme 7   :     Comparativism and selfstudying

I. Knowledge of linguistics and language studying. Comparative reading and morphological
               perception of languages (the algorithm).
    1. Identification of structures.
    2. Looking for structural patterns.
    3. Nuances and meanings.
    4. Reproduction and meaning.
    5. Rhythm and intoning.
    6. Practice repeated reproduction, attentive listening, analysis of muscular sensations.
    7. Focusing in the instruments of aesthetic appeal of morphological structures:
         a) semantic (reading along the vertical line);
         b) intonational and rhythmical;
         c) phonetic.
    8. Account for actual spiritual state.
    9. Comparison of perceptions:
        a) contrast the perceptions: "the day before yesterday's Bach" and "today's Bach" for the
               society and for the individual; P. Brook: translations from A. Chekhov;
        b) necessity for re-reading;
              - re-reading as a discovery of the new;
              - re-reading and development of taste;
              - re-reading and adaptation (perception becomes dull: the masterpiece stops being
                     regarded as a masterpiece).
  10. Comparative reading of books by various writers and from various sources:
         a) reading of books by various writers, choice by interrelations;
         b) simultaneous work with various books;
         c) slow reading as a foothold for learning (perusal);
         d) analitism and complete perception;
         e) fast reading: method of supposed motion of thought;
         f) actualization of feelings and experiences when reading;
         g) left and right brain setting;
         h) comparative reading as a continuum;
         i) a fragment-sampling and perception of the style (the doom to read a fragment or the doom
                   to fragmentary reading).
   11. Comparative reading and comparison of opinions:
         a) the choice of an expert: the intuitive, socio-ethic act;
         b) foothold estimations and sense of taste;
         c) authority of someone else's opinion and perception (the epidemic of reading this or that
                 book; the epidemic of laughing or crying, etc.);
        d) eternal and temporary guidelines (the choice of a company - the anecdote about a
  12. Comparison of styles, genres and epochs: J. Donne; T Eliot; W. Yeats.
  13. Divertissements in selfstudying:
         a) comparison of entertainments (times and nations) - rudeness and refinement; depth and
         b) interest, comprehension and entertainment: The law of the irreversible development of taste.
  14. Dialectics of the rational and imaginary - associative in comparative reading:
         a) fixation of floating images; their influence on the rational activities and feelings;
         b) behavior during comparative reading:
               - heuristic experience;
               - step-by-step accumulation of elements for wholistic perception.
  15. Selfstudying and comparative reading. Usage of the greatest possible variants of comparative

* * *

This quiet place is in some sense a torment,
the still of air hold hidden a whirl - wind.
I touch the piano like a bottom and my mind
again can push itself and it's existence from it.

The smoothness always lies, the false informant,
we truly live when hills about themselves remind
when in a straight line different spirals wind
and an awaken thought has something dormant,

and every bottom hides another one,
so that we always can take like a stone
another layer of the Sense, dispersed

in our living space, under the table
and in the bed, on every wall, that's able
to be a mask, in which the Cosmos forced.

Valery Kourinsky 

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