THE INTEGRITY PAPERS Genre - Benking - US Website  Homepage

Heiner Benking - homepage (page 2)

A House of Horizons and Perspectives ...        
                                                            ... our 'Cognitive Panoramas'

What  is  this  Website  about ? ...

I n t r a - S i t e  L i n k s

Given that we can learn to better listen and reflect about what another might be seeing or is imagining, a whole array of new issues come up. What is a paradigm, a metaphor, a symbol? What can be the impact to education, creativity, knowledge organisation, decision making? How can we 'design' social systems and futures in a positive and practical way.   And how can we come to accept and enthusiastically use those acheivements which spontaneously arise?

Concerns and goals:

Exploring Integral & Mutual Understanding -
                       How to Share Individual and Companion Mentalities

Applications and Future aspects

It is exciting to learn that we can cultivate our intuition by seeing some of the same roots in different cultures -- that when we embody and share meaning we can better understand or tolerate 'uncommon grounds' and can give up fighting for only "one right" answer.

To the point, these pages are about ways and means to facilitate the translation and transformation of ideas, views, representations. Seeing things from different angles and in perspective. Taking the position and orientation of  observations and conclusions into account eases the exchange and helps bridge uncommon grounds. The purpose is to become aware of how we construct meaning, how we arrive at conclusions, how we can exchange them in ways which support the design and building of community and the negotiation and co-ordination of activities.

I n t r a - S i t e  L i n k s


Feeling the Sharing  and  Walking the Talk

A way becomes a way, by walking
A paradigm becomes a paradigm, by thinking
A conversation becomes a conversation, by talking and sharing.

All may be misleading .....
if we do not care for the (un)common grounds,
the orchestra of voices and views,
and dare to recognize and forget
in common frames of reference...
                                                                                Heiner Benking


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